Many bird species have experienced population declines in recent years and are forced to deal with climate change effects, causing some species to adjust their migratory patterns. While numerous studies have addressed this issue, research from Luxembourg is currently still lacking. Therefore, this study investigated how the migratory numbers of three rare breeding bird species have changed over a time period of 10 years. For this purpose, the ringing data of the two largest bird ringing stations in Luxemburg were analysed. The results showed over time an overall increase in migratory numbers for Bluethroats (Luscinia svecica) due to increasing numbers in fall that more than compensated the decrease in spring. There were no significant changes in migratory numbers for Sedge Warblers (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) and Whinchats (Saxicola rubetra). These differing results underline the importance of migratory bird research and highlight the importance of stopover site conservation.
History: The nature reserve "Schlammwiss" was founded in 1982 by the foundation"Hellef fir Natur" (HFN). Afterwards the group "Letzeburger Natur- a Vullenschutzliga" (LNVL) founded the station "Schlammwiss". The station is leaded by the "centrale ornithologique Luxembourg" (COL), a part of the asbl. Natur & Emwelt. Due to the fact that Luxembourg doesn't have its own bird ringing central, we work in cooperation with Royal Belgian Instutitute of Natural Sciences. Therefore, we use rings from the Belgian Museum of Natural Sciences.
Location: The bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" is located in Luxembourg, between the communities Schuttrange & Munsbach. The nature reserve is part of the 375ha big Syrvalley and is an extremely important Natura 2000 zone. The reserve is periodicly flooded due to the Syr river, which is an important generator of biodiversity.
Research area: Around 30ha are used for researche, on a length of 1km and a width of 30-120m. The main area is covered by reeds and wetlands (20ha). Furthermore, the resarch area is subdivided and caracterized by an orchard, a forest, several ponds distributed throughout the reedbed and a purification plant (SIAS). The main techniques employed are mist nets and rail traps in order to realize population estimates (i.e. breeding population, migration, overwintering population) and survival estimates by Capture-Mark-Recapture. There are several projects running in the nature reserve and visitation are possible.
In March, our members who are mostly volunteers, have spent about 654 hours working at at the birdringing station
"Schlammwiss". This results in 514 hours ringing activities and 140 working hours at the station this month.
Thanks a lot for your help!
With this effort it was possible to capture 710 birds of 29 species (see the table left) this month at our station.
This number is subdivided in 300 E, 138 K and 1272 W. The total amount of individuals (E+K) is 438. This is lower (-10) than the mean number of birds caught at the station from 2001-2020 and higher (+194) than the number of last year.
None bird foreign origin has been caught.
E: first capture of this individual
W: recapture of an individual which was already captured this year
K: individuals which were ringed one or more years ago or individuals with a foreign country or station
species | n | ||
1. | EMBSCH | Reed Bunting | 55 |
2. | EMBCIT | Yellowhammer |
52 |
3. | PHYCOL | Chiffchaff | 46 |
4. | ERIRUB | Robin | 45 |
5. | PARCAE | Blue Tit | 35 |
Interesting birds captured:
species | n | |
1. | Accipiter nisus | 1 |
2. |
Luscinia svecica |
1 |
3. |
Passer montanus |
4 |
4. |
Rallus aquaticus |
2 |
5. |
Remiz pendulinus |
2 |
The first graphic below shows the current situation of birds captured this year in comparison of the median number of birds captured from 2001-2020. In addition, we include a new bar
chart with an more accurate time calculation. The bar chart is divided in the normal ringing activities, special ringing activities (e.g.: ringing Barn Owls, control of nest boxes,..) and time we
spent at the bird ringing station for further work or "other activities" (e.g.: replacing of nets, clearing net lines, visits,...).
In older calculations, only a time calculation was done on the basis of the ringing data. This time calculation was retained for graphs 2 and 3 so that the results can be compared with recent years.
The number of birds captured this year and working time this year (old calculation) in comparison of the mean number of birds caught in the years 2001-2020 and the mean working time from 2018-2020 is shown in the second graph below left.
In the second graph below right you can find a comparison of this year with the last three years.
In the graph on the left you can see the course of the ringed species compared to the days with open nets of each month. Furthermore, the mean value of species and the open nets days from 2018-2020 are displayed. The distribution of birds ringed and working time per day are illustrated in the graph on the left. The number of birds ringed is separated in E, W and K.
First spring arrivals captured:
Species |
Latin Name |
Date (2021) |
Date (2020) |
Date (2019) |
Late or early |
Water Rail | Rallus aquaticus | 23.1 | 23.2 | 31.3 | +31 |
Blackcap | Sylvia atricapilla | 13.2 | 17.2 | 31.3 | +4 |
Chiffchaff | Phylloscopus collybita | 20.2 | 2.3 | 10.3 | +10 |
Bluethroat | Luscinia svecia | 27.3 | 16.3 | 25.3 | -11 |
Sedge Warbler | Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | 28.3 | 27.4 |
7.4 |
+30 |
Stonechat | Saxicola torquata | 20.3 | 3.3 | 17.3 | -17 |
Firecrest | Regulus ignicapilla | 16.3 | 9.4 | ||
Goldcrest | Regulus regulus | 23.3 | / | ||
Black Redstart | Phoenicurus ochruros | 24.3 | / | ||
Willow Warbler | Phylloscopus trochilus | 30.3 | 1.4 | ||
Spotted Crake | Porzana porzana | 31.3 | / | ||
Barn Swallow | Hirundo rustica | 5.4 | / | ||
Savi's Warbler | Locustella luscinioides | 6.4 | 10.5 | ||
Aquatic Warbler | Acrocephalus paludicola | 19.4 | / | ||
Whitethroat | Sylvia communis | 19.4 | 8.4 | ||
Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | 21.4 | 1.5 | ||
Lesser Whitethroat | Sylvia curruca | 21.4 | 14.4 | ||
Grasshopper Warbler | Locustella naevia | 21.4 | / | ||
Garden Warbler | Syvlia borin | 28.4 | 22.4 | ||
Wryneck | Jynx torquilla | 28.4 | / | ||
Great Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus arundinaceus | 18.5 | 22.4 | ||
Red Backed Shrike | Lanius collurio | 17.5 | 10.5 | ||
Marsh Warbler | Acrocephalus palustris | 10.5 | 13.5 |
The distribution of the age is shown in the pie chart below. You can find the exact amount in the table right. Birds with the age code 1 or 3 are considered as juvenile and birds with an age code of 4 or higher are registered as adults. Note that the age of birds with the code 6 or higher is (in the most cases) only possible to tell by recaptured birds (K). The age of birds with the code 2 is unknown.
Code | Amount | Definiton | |
C | 1 | older than four years | |
B | 4 | born four years ago | |
A |
7 |
older than three years | |
9 | 8 | born three years ago | |
8 | 9 | older than two years | |
7 | 20 | born two years ago | |
6 | 35 | older than one year | |
5 |
166 |
born last year | |
4 |
188 |
age unknown, but not born this year | |
3 | / | born this year | |
2 | / | age unknown | |
1 | / | nestling |
Foreign birds that we controlled this year:
Month | Species | Country | Central | |
March | Phylloscopus collybita | Germany | Radolfzell | |
All our sightings are registered by ornitho.lu
Thanks to everyone who was observing at our station and put the data online!
Some photographers sent us their photos which we included into our report.
All other photos are provided by Jim Schmitz.
Thank you for the photos!
Did you take any photos at the station, a visit or of any birds with a ring that could be from our station and want to publish those in the next report of the month?
In order to support the expansion of the Hoopoe (Upupa epos) and hopefully the natural reintroduction of breeding birds in Luxembourg, we installed about 30 new nest boxes this year!
We cross our fingers!
Thanks to the editiors of this report:
Charel Klein
Photos: Jim Schmitz
Providing the data: Cédric Brodin:
History: The nature reserve "Schlammwiss" was founded in 1982 by the foundation"Hellef fir Natur" (HFN). Afterwards the group "Letzeburger Natur- a Vullenschutzliga" (LNVL) founded the station "Schlammwiss". The station is leaded by the "centrale ornithologique Luxembourg" (COL), a part of the asbl. Natur & Emwelt. Due to the fact that Luxembourg doesn't have its own bird ringing central, we work in cooperation with Royal Belgian Instutitute of Natural Sciences. Therefore, we use rings from the Belgian Museum of Natural Sciences.
Location: The bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" is located in Luxembourg, between the communities Schuttrange & Munsbach. The nature reserve is part of the 375ha big Syrvalley and is an extremely important Natura 2000 zone. The reserve is periodicly flooded due to the Syr river, which is an important generator of biodiversity.
Research area: Around 30ha are used for researche, on a length of 1km and a width of 30-120m. The main area is covered by reeds and wetlands (20ha). Furthermore, the resarch area is subdivided and caracterized by an orchard, a forest, several ponds distributed throughout the reedbed and a purification plant (SIAS). The main techniques employed are mist nets and rail traps in order to realize population estimates (i.e. breeding population, migration, overwintering population) and survival estimates by Capture-Mark-Recapture. There are several projects running in the nature reserve and visitation are possible.
In February, our members who are mostly volunteers, have spent about 479 hours working at at the birdringing station
"Schlammwiss". This results in 382 hours ringing activities and 97 working hours at the station this month.
Thanks a lot for your help!
With this effort it was possible to capture 544 birds of 32 species (see the table left) this month at our station.
This number is subdivided in 245 E, 150 K and 149 W. The total amount of individuals (E+K) is 395. This is higher (+264) than the mean number of birds caught at the station from 2001-2020 and higher (+221) than the number of last year.
None bird foreign origin has been caught.
E: first capture of this individual
W: recapture of an individual which was already captured this year
K: individuals which were ringed one or more years ago or individuals with a foreign country or station
species | n | ||
1. | PARCAE | Blue Tit | 66 |
2. | EMBCIT | Yellowhammer |
65 |
3. | ANTSPIN | Water Pipit | 43 |
4. | PARMAJ | Great Tit | 40 |
5. | PASDOM | House Sparrow | 36 |
Interesting birds captured:
species | n | |
1. | Accipiter nisus | 2 |
2. | Alauda arvensis | 3 |
3. | Anthus pratensis | 1 |
4. | Athene noctua | 1 |
5. | Carduelis spinus | 3 |
6. | Garrulus glandarius | 1 |
7. | Rallus aquaticus | 1 |
The first graphic below shows the current situation of birds captured this year in comparison of the median number of birds captured from 2001-2020. In addition, we include a new bar
chart with an more accurate time calculation. The bar chart is divided in the normal ringing activities, special ringing activities (e.g.: ringing Barn Owls, control of nest boxes,..) and time we
spent at the bird ringing station for further work (e.g.: replacing of nets, clearing net lines, visits,...).
In older calculations, only a time calculation was done on the basis of the ringing data. This time calculation was retained for graphs 2 and 3 so that the results can be compared with recent years.
The number of birds captured this year and working time this year (old calculation) in comparison of the mean number of birds caught in the years 2001-2020 and the mean working time from 2018-2020 is shown in the second graph below left.
In the second graph below right you can find a comparison of this year with the last three years.
In the graph on the left you can see the course of the ringed species compared to the days with open nets of each month. Furthermore, the mean value of species and the open nets days from 2018-2020 are displayed. The distribution of birds ringed and working time per day are illustrated in the graph on the left. The number of birds ringed is separated in E, W and K.
First spring arrivals captured:
Species |
Latin Name |
Date (2021) |
Date (2020) |
Date (2019) |
Late or early |
Water Rail | Rallus aquaticus | 23.1 | 23.2 | 31.3 | +31 |
Blackcap | Sylvia atricapilla | 13.2 | 17.2 | 31.3 | +4 |
Chiffchaff | Phylloscopus collybita | 20.2 | 2.3 | 10.3 | +10 |
Stonechat | Saxicola torquata | 3.3 | 17.3 | ||
White Spotted Bluethroat | Luscinia svecia cyanecula | 16.3 | 25.3 | ||
Firecrest | Regulus ignicapilla | 16.3 | 9.4 | ||
Goldcrest | Regulus regulus | 23.3 | / | ||
Black Redstart | Phoenicurus ochruros | 24.3 | / | ||
Willow Warbler | Phylloscopus trochilus | 30.3 | 1.4 | ||
Spotted Crake | Porzana porzana | 31.3 | / | ||
Barn Swallow | Hirundo rustica | 5.4 | / | ||
Savi's Warbler | Locustella luscinioides | 6.4 | 10.5 | ||
Aquatic Warbler | Acrocephalus paludicola | 19.4 | / | ||
Whitethroat | Sylvia communis | 19.4 | 8.4 | ||
Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | 21.4 | 1.5 | ||
Lesser Whitethroat | Sylvia curruca | 21.4 | 14.4 | ||
Grasshopper Warbler | Locustella naevia | 21.4 | / | ||
Sedge Warbler | Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | 27.4 | 7.4 | ||
Garden Warbler | Syvlia borin | 28.4 | 22.4 | ||
Wryneck | Jynx torquilla | 28.4 | / | ||
Great Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus arundinaceus | 18.5 | 22.4 | ||
Red Backed Shrike | Lanius collurio | 17.5 | 10.5 | ||
Marsh Warbler | Acrocephalus palustris | 10.5 | 13.5 |
The distribution of the age is shown in the pie chart below. You can find the exact amount in the table right. Birds with the age code 1 or 3 are considered as juvenile and birds with an age code of 4 or higher are registered as adults. Note that the age of birds with the code 6 or higher is (in the most cases) only possible to tell by recaptured birds (K). The age of birds with the code 2 is unknown.
Code | Amount | Definiton | |
C | 2 | older than four years | |
B | 3 | born four years ago | |
A |
5 |
older than three years | |
9 | 5 | born three years ago | |
8 | 9 | older than two years | |
7 | 22 | born two years ago | |
6 | 40 | older than one year | |
5 |
175 |
born last year | |
4 |
134 |
age unknown, but not born this year | |
3 | / | born this year | |
2 | / | age unknown | |
1 | / | nestling |
Foreign birds that we controlled this year:
All our sightings are registered by ornitho.lu
Thanks to everyone who was observing at our station and put the data online!
Some photographers sent us their photos which we included into our report.
All other photos are provided by Jim Schmitz.
Thank you for the photos!
Did you take any photos at the station, a visit or of any birds with a ring that could be from our station and want to publish those in the next report of the month?
Thanks to the editiors of this report:
Charel Klein
Photos: Jim Schmitz
Providing the data: Cédric Brodin:
History: The nature reserve "Schlammwiss" was founded in 1982 by the foundation"Hellef fir Natur" (HFN). Afterwards the group "Letzeburger Natur- a Vullenschutzliga" (LNVL) founded the station "Schlammwiss". The station is leaded by the "centrale ornithologique Luxembourg" (COL), a part of the asbl. Natur & Emwelt. Due to the fact that Luxembourg doesn't have its own bird ringing central, we work in cooperation with Royal Belgian Instutitute of Natural Sciences. Therefore, we use rings from the Belgian Museum of Natural Sciences.
Location: The bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" is located in Luxembourg, between the communities Schuttrange & Munsbach. The nature reserve is part of the 375ha big Syrvalley and is an extremely important Natura 2000 zone. The reserve is periodicly flooded due to the Syr river, which is an important generator of biodiversity.
Research area: Around 30ha are used for researche, on a length of 1km and a width of 30-120m. The main area is covered by reeds and wetlands (20ha). Furthermore, the resarch area is subdivided and caracterized by an orchard, a forest, several ponds distributed throughout the reedbed and a purification plant (SIAS). The main techniques employed are mist nets and rail traps in order to realize population estimates (i.e. breeding population, migration, overwintering population) and survival estimates by Capture-Mark-Recapture. There are several projects running in the nature reserve and visitation are possible.
In January, our members who are mostly volunteers, have spent about 325 hours working at at the birdringing station
"Schlammwiss". This results in 282 hours ringing activities and 43 working hours at the station this month.
Thanks a lot for your help!
With this effort it was possible to capture 383 birds of 23 species (see the table left) this month at our station.
This number is subdivided in 183 E, 159 K and 41 W. The total amount of individuals (E+K) is 342. This is higher (+113) than the mean number of birds caught at the station from 2001-2020 and lower (-128) than the number of last year.
None bird foreign origin has been caught.
E: first capture of this individual
W: recapture of an individual which was already captured this year
K: individuals which were ringed one or more years ago or individuals with a foreign country or station
1. | PARCAE | Blue Tit | 102 |
2. | PASDOM | House sparrow |
44 |
3. | ANTSPIN | Water Pipit | 30 |
4. | PARMAJ | Great Tit | 27 |
5. | EMBCIT | Yellowhammer | 24 |
ERTRUB | Robin | 24 |
Interesting birds captured:
species | n | |
1. | Anthus pratensis | 1 |
2. | Rallus aquaticus | 1 |
3. | Turdus iliacus | 17 |
The first graphic below shows the current situation of birds captured this year in comparison of the median number of birds captured from 2001-2020. In addition, we include a new bar
chart with an more accurate time calculation. The bar chart is divided in the normal ringing activities, special ringing activities (e.g.: ringing Barn Owls, control of nest boxes,..) and time we
spent at the bird ringing station for further work (e.g.: replacing of nets, clearing net lines, visits,...).
In older calculations, only a time calculation was done on the basis of the ringing data. This time calculation was retained for graphs 2 and 3 so that the results can be compared with recent years.
The number of birds captured this year and working time this year (old calculation) in comparison of the mean number of birds caught in the years 2001-2020 and the mean working time from 2018-2020 is shown in the second graph below left.
In the second graph below right you can find a comparison of this year with the last three years.
In the graph on the left you can see the course of the ringed species compared to the days with open nets of each month. Furthermore, the mean value of species and the open nets days from 2018-2020 are displayed. The distribution of birds ringed and working time per day are illustrated in the graph on the left. The number of birds ringed is separated in E, W and K.
The distribution of the age is shown in the pie chart below. You can find the exact amount in the table right. Birds with the age code 1 or 3 are considered as juvenile and birds with an age code of 4 or higher are registered as adults. Note that the age of birds with the code 6 or higher is (in the most cases) only possible to tell by recaptured birds (K). The age of birds with the code 2 is unknown.
Code | Amount | Definiton | |
C | 3 | older than four years | |
B | 2 | born four years ago | |
A |
3 |
older than three years | |
9 | 6 | born three years ago | |
8 | 6 | older than two years | |
7 | 33 | born two years ago | |
6 | 42 | older than one year | |
5 |
212 |
born last year | |
4 |
72 |
age unknown, but not born this year | |
3 | 3 | born this year | |
2 | 1 | age unknown | |
1 | / | nestling |
Foreign birds that we controlled this year:
All our sightings are registered by ornitho.lu
Thanks to everyone who was observing at our station and put the data online!
Some photographers sent us their photos which we included into our report.
All other photos are provided by Jim Schmitz.
Thank you for the photos!
Did you take any photos at the station, a visit or of any birds with a ring that could be from our station and want to publish those in the next report of the month?
Thanks to the editiors of this report:
Charel Klein
Photos: Jim Schmitz
Providing the data: Cédric Brodin:
Some months ago, several members of the birdringing station Schlammwiss got a glimpse into a very interesting and remarkable voluntary-led conservation project just around the border in the middle of French Lorraine’s crop fields.
Here, the conservation association CSFL (Centre de Sauvegarde de la Faune Lorraine) is leading a monitoring and nest protection scheme for Montagu’s harrier (Circus pygargus) breeding in arable land. As many ground-breeding bird species, especially Montagu’s harriers breeding in arable land within high crops, risk having their nests and offsprings being mown or harvested.
In short terms protecting this species means monitoring the breeding population, pinpointing nests, communicating with farmers and installing protective measures such as nest cages. Even working with extremely rare and endangered species such as Montagu’s harriers, volunteers of the project were keen and fully convinced to inform outsiders about the very delicate situation and organize field excursions to existing nests. Of course without comprimising the breeding population. We participated in nest controls as well as ringing activities of young harriers and benefited greatly from the exchange.
We’d like to take the opportunity to thank the according team of CSFL for the exchange.
And keep up with this very important and immense work!
Autor: Max Steinmetz
Le programme de sciences participatives dédié à l’étude des Ornithomyinés (Diptera, Hippoboscidae), pupipares hématophages, parasites des oiseaux, et aux Nycteribiidés, parasites des chauves-souris.
The station Schlammwiss is participating since 5 years!
Name: Bruno Eusebi
Date of birth: 07/10/1995
After graduating from the university of Luxembourg with a bachelor in biology in my pocket, I followed up with a master in ecology and conservation at the university of Uppsala. There, a particularly great teacher sparked a dormant passion in me: birds. After plenty of early morning birding excursions, I realised what I was even more passionate about: birds of prey; especially eagles.
Before starting my master thesis on Steller’s sea eagles and white-tailed eagles, I had the opportunity to perform a 3 months internship and I applied at “Schlammwiss” bird ringing station as it seemed there was a very professional but also friendly team working there.
I see this internship as an amazing first-hand experience in bird handling and bird identification as well as a good practice in teamwork, which will prove helpful for my future avian-adventures.
Research project on challenges at the nexus of water, soil and nature in Luxembourg and in the Syr and Upper Sûre valleys
Water bodies and landscapes in Luxembourg face mounting pressures. In the framework of the EU water framework directive and Natura 2000 Luxembourg has committed to improving the status of water bodies and biodiversity. The need for action is great; implementation, however, lags behind.
The researchers from the NEXUS FUTURES team investigate ecological challenges in their local contexts, their links with wider societal factors and from the perspectives of diverse stakeholders, in order to develop new governance approaches for sustainability. As a pioneering example of transformative research in Luxemburg, it addresses the following overarching questions: What barriers do actors face in everyday lives and in their cooperation? Which opportunities for a sustainable engagement with water and land do they see and seize? Which roles do developments in society, policies, agriculture, economy and technology play?
Kristina Hondrila, doctoral researcher in social sciences, works closely with the river partnership Syr (Fondation Hëllef fir d´Natur) and the river contract Upper Sûre (Nature Park Upper Sûre). Water quality, drinking water protection (Upper Sûre) and river restoration (Syr) have emerged as central themes from stakeholder workshops and the numerous interviews she has conducted with local and national actors.
In the Syr valley, she focuses on areas between Munsbach and Betzdorf, particularly Schlammwiss-Brill, where she and the student assistant Max Mattern went on two site visits guided by Stephan Müllenborn & Alexandra Arendt and Jim Schmitz (natur & ëmwelt, Fondation HfN). Pressures here come from agriculture, wastewater, transport (airport, trains, highway), business and residential areas. What will the fact that Schlammwiss-Brill has recently become a national nature reserve as part of Natura 2000 change? What lessons have been learned from the failed year-round pasture project of Mensder Brill? Will more river sections be restored?
Her case studies will offer insights into barriers, tensions, contradictions and uncertainties that shape practice and policy-making at the nexus of water, nature, land and the economy (to be finalised by beginning 2020). Moreover, she will highlight various factors and approaches that facilitate cooperation and sustainability. She also draws on 15 years of professional experience with EU projects.
Furthermore, the NEXUS FUTURES team collaboratively develops a scenario set for Luxembourg (Dr. Ariane König, project director) and citizen science tools (Karl Pickar). The project is financed by the Environment Ministry and the University of Luxembourg.
Forschungsprojekt zu Herausforderungen im Umgang mit Wasser, Boden und Natur in Luxemburg und an Syr und Obersauer
Gewässer und Landschaften sind einem zunehmenden Druck ausgeliefert. Im Rahmen der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie und von Natura 2000 hat sich Luxemburg verpflichtet, den Zustand der Gewässer und die Artenvielfalt zu verbessern. Der Handlungsbedarf ist groß, doch es hapert oft an der Umsetzung.
Die Forscher vom NEXUS FUTURES-Team untersuchen ökologische Herausforderungen in ihren lokalen Kontexten, gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhängen und aus Sicht unterschiedlicher Akteure, um neue Governance-Ansätze für Nachhaltigkeit zu entwickeln. Übergreifende Fragen dieses ersten Beispiels transformativer Wissenschaft in Luxemburg sind: Welchen Hürden begegnen Akteure in ihrem Alltag und ihrer Zusammenarbeit? Welche Möglichkeiten nutzen und sehen sie für einen nachhaltigen Umgang mit Wasser und Land? Welche Rolle spielen Entwicklungen in Gesellschaft, Politik, (Land-)Wirtschaft und Technologie?
Kristina Hondrila, Promovendin der Sozialwissenschaften, arbeitet eng mit der Flusspartnerschaft Syr (Fondation Hëllef fir d´Natur) und dem Gewässervertrag Obersauer (Naturpark Obersauer) zusammen. Aus Stakeholder-Workshops und einer Vielzahl von Gesprächen mit lokalen und nationalen Akteuren haben sich Wasserqualität, Trinkwasserschutz (Obersauer) und Renaturierungen (Syr) als zentrale Themen herauskristallisiert.
Im Syrtal liegt der Schwerpunkt auf Gebiete zwischen Munsbach und Betzdorf, insbesondere Schlammwiss-Brill. Geführt von Stephan Müllenborn & Alexandra Arendt und Jim Schmitz (natur & ëmwelt, Fondation HfN) haben die Forscherin und der studentische Assistent Max Mattern sich einen umfangreichen Überblick über das Gebiet verschaffen können. Der Druck kommt hier von Landwirtschaft, Abwasser, Verkehr (Flughafen, Zügen, Autobahn), Gewerbe- und Wohngebieten. Was wird die Tatsache, dass Schlammwiss-Brill vor Kurzem nationales Naturschutzgebiet als Teil von Natura 2000 wurde, ändern? Welche Lehren sind aus dem gescheiterten Ganzjahresbeweidungsprojekt vom Mensder Brill gezogen worden? Werden weitere Flussabschnitte renaturiert?
Die Fallstudien (die bis Anfang 2020 fertig gestellt werden) versprechen Erkenntnisse darüber, welche Hürden, Spannungen, Widersprüche und Ungewissheiten Praxis und Politik an den Schnittstellen zwischen Wasser, Natur, Land und Wirtschaft prägen. Darüber hinaus wird gezeigt, welche Faktoren und Ansätze Zusammenarbeit und Nachhaltigkeit in den Flussgebieten fördern können. Sie greift hierbei auch auf 15 Jahre Berufserfahrung mit EU-Projekten zurück.
Außerdem werden im NEXUS-Projekt ein Szenarien-Set für Luxemburg (Dr. Ariane König, Projektleiterin) und Citizen Science-Tools (Karl Pickar) partizipativ entwickelt. Das Projekt wird durch das Umweltministerium und die Universität Luxemburg finanziert.
History: The nature reserve "Schlammwiss" was founded in 1982 by the foundation"Hellef fir Natur" (HFN). Afterwards the group "Letzeburger Natur- a Vullenschutzliga" (LNVL) founded the station "Schlammwiss". The station is leaded by the "centrale ornithologique Luxembourg" (COL), a part of the asbl. Natur & Emwelt. Due to the fact that Luxembourg doesn't have its own bird ringing central, we work in cooperation with Royal Belgian Instutitute of Natural Sciences. Therefore, we use rings from the Belgian Museum of Natural Sciences.
Location: The bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" is located in Luxembourg, between the communities Schuttrange & Munsbach. The nature reserve is part of the 375ha big Syrvalley and is an extremely important Natura 2000 zone. The reserve is periodicly flooded due to the Syr river, which is an important generator of biodiversity.
Research area: Around 30ha are used for researche, on a length of 1km and a width of 30-120m. The main area is covered by reeds and wetlands (20ha). Furthermore, the resarch area is subdivided and caracterized by an orchard, a forest, several ponds distributed throughout the reedbed and a purification plant (SIAS). The main techniques employed are mist nets and rail traps in order to realize population estimates (i.e. breeding population, migration, overwintering population) and survival estimates by Capture-Mark-Recapture. There are several projects running in the nature reserve and visitation are possible.
In August, the bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" caught about 11 567 birds of 63 species. This number is subdivided in 8967 E, 2466 W and 134 K. 38 bird foreign origin has been caught.
The total amount of birds for the month August is higher (+398) than the average amount of birds caught at the station from 2001-2018 and higher (+5380) than the number of last year. The graphic below shows the average amount of birds for each month during the years 2001-2018 in comparison of the numbers of this years, 2018 and the working time for this and last year at the station Schlammwiss.
E: first capture of this individual
W: recapture of an individual which was already captured this year
K: individuals which were ringed one or more years ago or individuals with a foreign country or station
Top 5
1. | HIRRUS | Barn Swallow | 3 331 |
2. | ARCSCI | Reed Warbler |
2 772 |
3. | ARCPAL | Marsh Warbler | 501 |
4. | SYLAT | Blackcap | 341 |
5. | ARCSCH | Sedge Warbler | 278 |
Interesting birds captured:
Distribution of the age:
Code | Amount | Definiton |
C | 2 | older than four years |
B | 2 | born four years ago |
A | 1 | older than three years |
9 | 3 | born three years ago |
8 | 6 | older than two years |
7 | 16 | born two years ago |
6 | 9 | older than one year |
5 |
33 |
born last year |
4 |
1722 |
age unkown, but not born this year |
3 | 7212 | born this year |
2 | 94 | age unknown |
1 | / | nestling |
Distribution of nestlings - Code 1
Species | Name | Quantity | ||
May | June | July | ||
Coloeus monedula | Western Jackdaw | 1 | ||
Parus caeruleus | Blue Tit | 10 | ||
Parus major | Great Tit | 139 | 39 | |
Passer domesticus | House Sparrow | 2 | ||
Passer montanus | Tree Sparrow | 4 | ||
Sitta europea | Eurasian Nuthatch | 8 | ||
Athene noctua | Little Owl |
8 |
Falco tinnunculus | Common Kestrel | 12 | 3 | |
Passer montanus | Eurasian Tree Sparrow | 5 | ||
Tyto alba | Western Barn Owl | 6 | ||
Charadrius dubius | Little Ringed Plover | 2 | ||
Σ | 167 | 70 | 5 |
Foreign birds that we controlled this year:
Month | Amount | Species | Country | |
January | 1 | Cyanistes caeruleus | France | FRP |
February | 1 | Parus major | Belgium | BLB |
March | 1 | Turdus merula | Belgium | BLB |
1 | Troglodytes troglodytes | Belgium | BLB | |
1 | Erithacus rubecula | Sweden | SVS | |
April | 1 | Parus major | Belgium | BLB |
1 | Sylvia atricapilla | Belgium | BLB | |
1 | Spain | ESI | ||
May | 1 | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Spain | ESI |
4 | Belgium | BLB | ||
June | 1 | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium | BLB |
July | 2 | Acrocephalus palustris | Belgium | BLB |
2 | Parus major | Belgium | BLB | |
August | 3 | Acrocephalus palustris | Belgium | BLB |
1 | Germany (Radolfzell) | DFR | ||
3 | Acrocephlaus schoenobaenus | Belgium | BLB | |
1 | Germany (Radolfzell) | DFR | ||
1 | Great Britain | GBT | ||
10 | Acrocephlaus scirpaceus | Belgium | BLB | |
1 | Czech Republic | CSP | ||
2 | Germany (Helgoland) | DFH | ||
2 | Germany (Radolfzell) | DFR | ||
1 | Spain | ESA | ||
2 | France | FRP | ||
1 | Netherlands | NLA | ||
1 | Poland | PLG | ||
1 | Sweden | SVS | ||
5 | Hirunda rustica | Belgium | BLB | |
1 | Spain | ESA | ||
1 | Sylvia communis | Sweden | SVS |
The team of the bird ringing station Schlammwiss are mostly volunteers who did an excellent work this month!
We say thank you for everyone who was helping this month!
In summary we spent around 290 hours during 30 days working at the station.
We also welcome the visitors on our station:
Some photographers sent us their photos which we included into our report.
All other photos are provided by Jim Schmitz.
Thank you for the photos!
Did you take any photos at the station, a visit or of any birds with a ring that could be from our station and want to publish those in the next report of the month?
Thanks to the editiors of this report:
Charel Klein
Photos: Jim Schmitz, Kelly Kieffer
Providing the data: Cédric Brodin:
ÜBERSYREN Vogelberingungsstation „Schlammwiss“ wird 50
by Meldody Hansen
My name is Merit Finia Pokriefke and I am studying Wildlife Ecology and Wildlife Management in my master’s programme at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences in Vienna.
During the last years, the birdringers of the nature reserve Schlammwiss could observe, that some of the migrating birds are staying longer in the reserve than others and it seems that they are gaining weight. Over one month, in the course of my internship, I will investigate the weight gain of recaptured birds during their stay in the area. Considering that fat is the main energy resource for migrating birds (Odum et al., 1961) a weight gain before migration is essential (Newton, 2008).
The main research questions are:
The collected data could show how important wetlands, such as the Schlammwiss, are for birds during their migration (Mitsch & Gosselink, 2000).
History: The nature reserve "Schlammwiss" was founded in 1982 by the foundation"Hellef fir Natur" (HFN). Afterwards the group "Letzeburger Natur- a Vullenschutzliga" (LNVL) founded the station "Schlammwiss". The station is leaded by the "centrale ornithologique Luxembourg" (COL), a part of the asbl. Natur & Emwelt. Due to the fact that Luxembourg doesn't have its own bird ringing central, we work in cooperation with Royal Belgian Instutitute of Natural Sciences. Therefore, we use rings from the Belgian Museum of Natural Sciences.
Location: The bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" is located in Luxembourg, between the communities Schuttrange & Munsbach. The nature reserve is part of the 375ha big Syrvalley and is an extremely important Natura 2000 zone. The reserve is periodicly flooded due to the Syr river, which is an important generator of biodiversity.
Research area: Around 30ha are used for researche, on a length of 1km and a width of 30-120m. The main area is covered by reeds and wetlands (20ha). Furthermore, the resarch area is subdivided and caracterized by an orchard, a forest, several ponds distributed throughout the reedbed and a purification plant (SIAS). The main techniques employed are mist nets and rail traps in order to realize population estimates (i.e. breeding population, migration, overwintering population) and survival estimates by Capture-Mark-Recapture. There are several projects running in the nature reserve and visitation are possible.
In July, the bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" caught about 2773 birds of 51 species. This number is subdivided in 1828 E, 891 W and 54 K. 4 bird foreign origin has been caught.
The total amount of birds for the month July is higher (+675) than the average amount of birds caught at the station from 2001-2018 and higher (+1580) than the number of last year. The graphic below shows the average amount of birds for each month during the years 2001-2018 in comparison of the numbers of this years, 2018 and the working time for this and last year at the station Schlammwiss.
E: first capture of this individual
W: recapture of an individual which was already captured this year
K: individuals which were ringed one or more years ago or individuals with a foreign country or station
Top 5
1. | ACRSCI | Reed Warbler | 330 |
2. | ARCPAL | Marsh Warbler |
320 |
3. | SYLATR | Blackcap | 212 |
4. | PARMAJ | Great Tit | 187 |
5. | PARCAE | Blue Tit | 163 |
Interesting birds captured:
Distribution of the age:
Code | Amount | Definiton |
C | 5 | older than four years |
B | 4 | born four years ago |
A | 5 | older than three years |
9 | 4 | born three years ago |
8 | 5 | older than two years |
7 | 3 | born two years ago |
6 | 9 | older than one year |
5 |
40 |
born last year |
4 |
576 |
age unkown, but not born this year |
3 | 2097 | born this year |
2 | 20 | age unknown |
1 | 5 | nestling |
Distribution of nestlings - Code 1
Species | Name | Quantity | ||
May | June | July | ||
Coloeus monedula | Western Jackdaw | 1 | ||
Parus caeruleus | Blue Tit | 10 | ||
Parus major | Great Tit | 139 | 39 | |
Passer domesticus | House Sparrow | 2 | ||
Passer montanus | Tree Sparrow | 4 | ||
Sitta europea | Eurasian Nuthatch | 8 | ||
Athene noctua | Little Owl |
8 |
Falco tinnunculus | Common Kestrel | 12 | 3 | |
Passer montanus | Eurasian Tree Sparrow | 5 | ||
Tyto alba | Western Barn Owl | 6 | ||
Charadrius dubius | Little Ringed Plover | 2 | ||
Σ | 167 | 70 | 5 |
Foreign birds that we controlled this year:
Month | Species | Country |
January | Cyanistes caeruleus | France |
February | Parus major | Belgium |
March | Turdus merula | Belgium |
Troglodytes troglodytes | Belgium | |
Erithacus rubecula | Sweden | |
April | Parus major | Belgium |
Sylvia atricapilla | Belgium | |
Sylvia atricapilla | Spain | |
May | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Spain |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium | |
June | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium |
July | Acrocephalus palustris | Belgium |
Acrocephalus palustris | Belgium | |
Parus major | Belgium | |
Parus major | Belgium |
The team of the bird ringing station Schlammwiss are mostly volunteers who did an excellent work this month!
We say thank you for everyone who was helping this month!
In summary we spent around 145 hours during 25 days working at the station.
We also welcome the visitors on our station:
Some photographers sent us their photos which we included into our report.
All other photos are provided by Jim Schmitz.
Thank you for the photos!
Did you take any photos at the station, a visit or of any birds with a ring that could be from our station and want to publish those in the next report of the month?
Thanks to the editiors of this report:
Charel Klein
Photos: Jim Schmitz, Kelly Kieffer
Providing the data: Cédric Brodin:
History: The nature reserve "Schlammwiss" was founded in 1982 by the foundation"Hellef fir Natur" (HFN). Afterwards the group "Letzeburger Natur- a Vullenschutzliga" (LNVL) founded the station "Schlammwiss". The station is leaded by the "centrale ornithologique Luxembourg" (COL), a part of the asbl. Natur & Emwelt. Due to the fact that Luxembourg doesn't have its own bird ringing central, we work in cooperation with Royal Belgian Instutitute of Natural Sciences. Therefore, we use rings from the Belgian Museum of Natural Sciences.
Location: The bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" is located in Luxembourg, between the communities Schuttrange & Munsbach. The nature reserve is part of the 375ha big Syrvalley and is an extremely important Natura 2000 zone. The reserve is periodicly flooded due to the Syr river, which is an important generator of biodiversity.
Research area: Around 30ha are used for researche, on a length of 1km and a width of 30-120m. The main area is covered by reeds and wetlands (20ha). Furthermore, the resarch area is subdivided and caracterized by an orchard, a forest, several ponds distributed throughout the reedbed and a purification plant (SIAS). The main techniques employed are mist nets and rail traps in order to realize population estimates (i.e. breeding population, migration, overwintering population) and survival estimates by Capture-Mark-Recapture. There are several projects running in the nature reserve and visitation are possible.
In June, the bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" caught about 983 birds of 43 species. This number is subdivided in 685 E, 226 W and 72 K. 1 bird foreign origin has been caught.
The total amount of birds for the month June is higher (+112) than the average amount of birds caught at the station from 2001-2018 and higher (+151) than the number of last year. The graphic below shows the average amount of birds for each month during the years 2001-2018 in comparison of the numbers of this years, 2018 and the working time for this and last year at the station Schlammwiss.
E: first capture of this individual
W: recapture of an individual which was already captured this year
K: individuals which were ringed one or more years ago or individuals with a foreign country or station
Distribution of the age:
Code | Amount | Definiton |
C | 9 | older than four years |
B | 5 | born four years ago |
A | 5 | older than three years |
9 | 10 | born three years ago |
8 | 6 | older than two years |
7 | 17 | born two years ago |
6 | 25 | older than one year |
5 |
72 |
born last year |
4 |
277 |
age unkown, but not born this year |
3 | 487 | born this year |
2 | / | age unknown |
1 | 70 | nestling |
Distribution of nestlings - Code 1
Species | Name | Quantity | |
May | June | ||
Coloeus monedula | Western Jackdaw | 1 | |
Parus caeruleus | Blue Tit | 10 | |
Parus major | Great Tit | 139 | 39 |
Passer domesticus | House Sparrow | 2 | |
Passer montanus | Tree Sparrow | 4 | |
Sitta europea | Eurasian Nuthatch | 8 | |
Athene noctua | Little Owl |
8 |
Falco tinnunculus | Common Kestrel | 12 | |
Passer montanus | Eurasian Tree Sparrow | 5 | |
Tyto alba | Western Barn Owl | 6 | |
Σ | 167 | 70 |
Foreign birds that we controlled this year:
Month | Species | Country |
January | Cyanistes caeruleus | France |
February | Parus major | Belgium |
March | Turdus merula | Belgium |
Troglodytes troglodytes | Belgium | |
Erithacus rubecula | Sweden | |
April | Parus major | Belgium |
Sylvia atricapilla | Belgium | |
Sylvia atricapilla | Spain | |
May | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Spain |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium | |
June | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium |
The team of the bird ringing station Schlammwiss are mostly volunteers who did an excellent work this month!
We say thank you for everyone who was helping this month!
In summary we spent around 104 hours during 22 days working at the station.
We also welcome the visitors on our station:
Some photographers sent us their photos which we included into our report.
All other photos are provided by Jim Schmitz.
Thank you for the photos!
Did you take any photos at the station, a visit or of any birds with a ring that could be from our station and want to publish those in the next report of the month?
New autobiographies of our team members:
Brutvogelmonitoring im Naturschutzgebiet „Schlammwiss-Brill“ 2018
Thanks to the editiors of this report:
Charel Klein
Photos: Jim Schmitz,
Providing the data: Cédric Brodin:
History: The nature reserve "Schlammwiss" was founded in 1982 by the foundation"Hellef fir Natur" (HFN). Afterwards the group "Letzeburger Natur- a Vullenschutzliga" (LNVL) founded the station "Schlammwiss". The station is leaded by the "centrale ornithologique Luxembourg" (COL), a part of the asbl. Natur & Emwelt. Due to the fact that Luxembourg doesn't have its own bird ringing central, we work in cooperation with Royal Belgian Instutitute of Natural Sciences. Therefore, we use rings from the Belgian Museum of Natural Sciences.
Location: The bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" is located in Luxembourg, between the communities Schuttrange & Munsbach. The nature reserve is part of the 375ha big Syrvalley and is an extremely important Natura 2000 zone. The reserve is periodicly flooded due to the Syr river, which is an important generator of biodiversity.
Research area: Around 30ha are used for researche, on a length of 1km and a width of 30-120m. The main area is covered by reeds and wetlands (20ha). Furthermore, the resarch area is subdivided and caracterized by an orchard, a forest, several ponds distributed throughout the reedbed and a purification plant (SIAS). The main techniques employed are mist nets and rail traps in order to realize population estimates (i.e. breeding population, migration, overwintering population) and survival estimates by Capture-Mark-Recapture. There are several projects running in the nature reserve and visitation are possible.
In May, the bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" caught about 832 birds of 50 species. This number is subdivided in 595 E, 172 W and 65 K. 5 birds foreign origin has been caught.
The total amount of birds for the month May is higher (+150) than the average amount of birds caught at the station from 2001-2018 and higher (+124) than the number of last year. The graphic below shows the average amount of birds for each month during the years 2001-2018 in comparison of the numbers of this years, 2018 and the working time for this and last year at the station Schlammwiss.
E: first capture of this individual
W: recapture of an individual which was already captured this year
K: individuals which were ringed one or more years ago or individuals with a foreign country or station
Top 5
1. | ACRSCI | Reed Warbler | 168 |
2. | PARMAJ | Great Tit |
147 |
3. | SYLCOM | Whitethroat | 45 |
4. | SYLATR | Blackcap | 38 |
5. | ACRPAL | Marsh Warbler | 28 |
Interesting birds captured:
Distribution of the age:
Code | Amount | Definiton |
C | 5 | older than four years |
B | 10 | born four years ago |
A | 3 | older than three years |
9 | 8 | born three years ago |
8 | 9 | older than two years |
7 | 21 | born two years ago |
6 | 34 | older than one year |
5 |
67 |
born last year |
4 | 464 | age unkown, but not born this year |
3 | 43 | born this year |
2 | 1 | age unknown |
1 | 167 | nestling |
Distribution of nestlings - Code 1
Species | Name | Quantity |
Coloeus monedula | Western Jackdaw | 1 |
Parus caeruleus | Blue Tit | 10 |
Parus major | Great Tit | 139 |
Passer domesticus | House Sparrow | 2 |
Passer montanus | Tree Sparrow | 4 |
Sitta europea | Eurasian Nuthatch | 8 |
Σ | 167 |
First spring arrivals:
Species |
Latin Name |
Date (this year) |
Date (last year) |
Late or early |
Blackcap | Sylvia atricapilla | 17.2 | 31.3 | +42 |
Water Rail | Rallus aquaticus | 23.2 | 31.3 | +36 |
Chiffchaff | Phylloscopus collybita | 2.3 | 10.3 | +8 |
Stonechat | Saxicola torquata | 3.3 | 17.3 | -14 |
White Spotted Bluethroat | Luscinia svecia cyanecula | 16.3 | 25.3 | +9 |
Firecrest | Regulus ignicapilla | 16.3 | 9.4 | +24 |
Goldcrest | Regulus regulus | 23.3 | / | |
Black Redstart | Phoenicurus ochruros | 24.3 | / | |
Willow Warbler | Phylloscopus trochilus | 30.3 | 1.4 | +2 |
Spotted Crake | Porzana porzana | 31.3 | / | |
Barn Swallow | Hirundo rustica | 5.4 | / | |
Savi's Warbler | Locustella luscinioides | 6.4 | 10.5 | +34 |
Aquatic Warbler | Acrocephalus paludicola | 19.4 | / | |
Whitethroat | Sylvia communis | 19.4 | 8.4 | -11 |
Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | 21.4 | 1.5 | +10 |
Lesser Whitethroat | Sylvia curruca | 21.4 | 14.4 | -7 |
Grasshopper Warbler | Locustella naevia | 21.4 | / | |
Sedge Warbler | Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | 27.4 | 7.4 | -20 |
Garden Warbler | Syvlia borin | 28.4 | 22.4 | -6 |
Wryneck | Jynx torquilla | 28.4 | / | |
Great Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus arundinaceus | 18.5 | 22.4 | -26 |
Red Backed Shrike | Lanius collurio | 17.5 | 10.5 | -7 |
Marsh Warbler | Acrocephalus palustris | 10.5 | 13.5 | +3 |
Foreign birds that we controlled this year:
Month | Species | Country |
January | Cyanistes caeruleus | France |
February | Parus major | Belgium |
March | Turdus merula | Belgium |
Troglodytes troglodytes | Belgium | |
Erithacus rubecula | Sweden | |
April | Parus major | Belgium |
Sylvia atricapilla | Belgium | |
Sylvia atricapilla | Spain | |
May | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Spain |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium |
The team of the bird ringing station Schlammwiss are mostly volunteers who did an excellent work this month!
We say thank you for everyone who was helping this month!
In summary we spent around 120 hours during 20 days working at the station.
We also welcome the visitors on our station:
Some photographers sent us their photos which we included into our report.
All other photos are provided by Jim Schmitz.
Thank you for the photos!
Did you take any photos at the station, a visit or of any birds with a ring that could be from our station and want to publish those in the next report of the month?
In memory of our member Fernand Kinnen
Thanks to the editiors of this report:
Charel Klein
Jim Schmitz, Anabela Carvalho, Kelly Kieffer: Photos;
Cédric Brodin: providing the data
History: The nature reserve "Schlammwiss" was founded in 1982 by the foundation"Hellef fir Natur" (HFN). Afterwards the group "Letzeburger Natur- a Vullenschutzliga" (LNVL) founded the station "Schlammwiss". The station is leaded by the "centrale ornithologique Luxembourg" (COL), a part of the asbl. Natur & Emwelt. Due to the fact that Luxembourg doesn't have its own bird ringing central, we work in cooperation with Royal Belgian Instutitute of Natural Sciences. Therefore, we use rings from the Belgian Museum of Natural Sciences.
Location: The bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" is located in Luxembourg, between the communities Schuttrange & Munsbach. The nature reserve is part of the 375ha big Syrvalley and is an extremely important Natura 2000 zone. The reserve is periodicly flooded due to the Syr river, which is an important generator of biodiversity.
Research area: Around 30ha are used for researche, on a length of 1km and a width of 30-120m. The main area is covered by reeds and wetlands (20ha). Furthermore, the resarch area is subdivided and caracterized by an orchard, a forest, several ponds distributed throughout the reedbed and a purification plant (SIAS). The main techniques employed are mist nets and rail traps in order to realize population estimates (i.e. breeding population, migration, overwintering population) and survival estimates by Capture-Mark-Recapture. There are several projects running in the nature reserve and visitation are possible.
In March, the bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" caught about 914 birds of 44 species. This number is subdivided in 580 E, 260 W and 74 K. 3 bird foreign origin has been caught.
The total amount of birds for the month March is lower (-53) than the average amount of birds caught at the station from 2001-2018 and higher (+104) than the number of last year. The graphic below shows the average amount of birds for each month during the years 2001-2018 in comparison of the numbers of this years, 2018 and the working time for this and last year at the station Schlammwiss.
E: first capture of this individual
W: recapture of an individual which was already captured this year
K: individuals which were ringed one or more years ago or individuals with a foreign country or station
Top 5
1. | SYLATR | Blackcap | 296 |
2. | ERIRUB | Robin |
66 |
3. | PHYCOL | Chiffchaff | 41 |
4. | EMBSCH | Reed Bunting | 25 |
5. | STUVUL | Staring | 25 |
Interesting birds captured:
Distribution of the age:
Code | Amount | Definiton |
C | 14 | older than four years |
B | 10 | born four years ago |
A | 9 | older than three years |
9 | 11 | born three years ago |
8 | 18 | older than two years |
7 | 26 | born two years ago |
6 | 51 | older than one year |
5 |
245 |
born last year |
4 | 529 | age unkown, but not born this year |
3 | / | born this year |
2 | 1 | age unknown |
1 | / | nestling |
First spring arrivals:
Species |
Latin Name |
Date (this year) |
Date (last year) |
Late or early |
Blackcap | Sylvia atricapilla | 17.2 | 31.3 | +42 |
Water Rail | Rallus aquaticus | 23.2 | 31.3 | +36 |
Chiffchaff | Phylloscopus collybita | 2.3 | 10.3 | +8 |
Stonechat | Saxicola torquata | 3.3 | 17.3 | -14 |
White Spotted Bluethroat | Luscinia svecia cyanecula | 16.3 | 25.3 | +9 |
Firecrest | Regulus ignicapilla | 16.3 | 9.4 | +24 |
Goldcrest | Regulus regulus | 23.3 | / | |
Black Redstart | Phoenicurus ochruros | 24.3 | / | |
Willow Warbler | Phylloscopus trochilus | 30.3 | 1.4 | +2 |
Spotted Crake | Porzana porzana | 31.3 | / | |
Barn Swallow | Hirundo rustica | 5.4 | / | |
Savi's Warbler | Locustella luscinioides | 6.4 | 10.5 | +34 |
Aquatic Warbler | Acrocephalus paludicola | 19.4 | / | |
Whitethroat | Sylvia communis | 19.4 | 8.4 | -11 |
Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | 21.4 | 1.5 | +10 |
Lesser Whitethroat | Sylvia curruca | 21.4 | 14.4 | -7 |
Grasshopper Warbler | Locustella naevia | 21.4 | / | |
Sedge Warbler | Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | 27.4 | 7.4 | -20 |
Garden Warbler | Syvlia borin | 28.4 | 22.4 | -6 |
Wryneck | Jynx torquilla | 28.4 | / |
Foreign birds that we controlled this year:
Month | Species | Country |
January | Cyanistes caeruleus | France |
February | Parus major | Belgium |
March | Turdus merula | Belgium |
Troglodytes troglodytes | Belgium | |
Erithacus rubecula | Sweden | |
April | Parus major | Belgium |
Sylvia atricapilla | Belgium | |
Sylvia atricapilla | Spain |
The team of the bird ringing station Schlammwiss are mostly volunteers who did an excellent work this month!
We say thank you for everyone who was helping this month!
In summary we spent around 99 hours during 14 days working at the station.
We also welcome the visitors on our station:
Some photographers sent us their photos which we included into our report.
All other photos are provided by Jim Schmitz.
Thank you for the photos!
Did you take any photos at the station, a visit or of any birds with a ring that could be from our station and want to publish those in the next report of the month?
In memory of our grand duc Jean
Thanks to the editiors of this report:
Charel Klein
Jim Schmitz, Anabela Carvalho, Kelly Kieffer: Photos;
Cédric Brodin: providing the data
The link for more interesting articles published in REGULUS: https://www.luxnatur.lu/lnvlwb.htm
Check of morphological differences to define the sex of the Water pipit Anthus spinoletta
To investigate morphological differences between the sexes of the Water pipit Anthus spinoletta, 351 of 691 data sets dealing with wing length and partial feather length were evaluated based on the criteria of the Ornithological Station Sempach. 282 individuals (80%) were thus classified as males and 65 (19%) as females. For four pipits, no sex could be defined.
The result of this investigation confirms other authors that found separate winter grounds for both sexes. Male water pipits appear to winter predominantly north of the Alps.
Summary of Water Pipit Anthus spinoletta ringing in Luxembourg over the last 18 years
In 122 catching days 691 data sets of Water Pipits Anthus spinoletta were collected at the station of “Schlammwiss” in the last 18 years of ringing. The data concerned 521 individual birds. An improved catching method used since the winter 2011/12 led to increased numbers over the last winters and the maximum rate was achieved in 2017/18 with 104 individuals caught.
The data provide evidence that the Water Pipits reach their wintering grounds in Luxembourg in the 57th pentad (8.10. – 12.10.) and start to leave in the 17th pentad, some staying until the 23rd pentad (21.4. – 25.4.).
From the total of 691 catches, 104 concerned Water Pipits caught and ringed already during a preceding winter. The maximum time elapsed between ringing and recapture of an individual pipit was six years. In Autumn 57% of the Water Pipits are determined as juvenile, in Spring this percentage drops to 19%. The reasons therefore are discussed.
History: The nature reserve "Schlammwiss" was founded in 1982 by the foundation"Hellef fir Natur" (HFN). Afterwards the group "Letzeburger Natur- a Vullenschutzliga" (LNVL) founded the station "Schlammwiss". The station is leaded by the "centrale ornithologique Luxembourg" (COL), a part of the asbl. Natur & Emwelt. Due to the fact that Luxembourg doesn't have its own bird ringing central, we work in cooperation with Royal Belgian Instutitute of Natural Sciences. Therefore, we use rings from the Belgian Museum of Natural Sciences.
Location: The bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" is located in Luxembourg, between the communities Schuttrange & Munsbach. The nature reserve is part of the 375ha big Syrvalley and is an extremely important Natura 2000 zone. The reserve is periodicly flooded due to the Syr river, which is an important generator of biodiversity.
Research area: Around 30ha are used for researche, on a length of 1km and a width of 30-120m. The main area is covered by reeds and wetlands (20ha). Furthermore, the resarch area is subdivided and caracterized by an orchard, a forest, several ponds distributed throughout the reedbed and a purification plant (SIAS). The main techniques employed are mist nets and rail traps in order to realize population estimates (i.e. breeding population, migration, overwintering population) and survival estimates by Capture-Mark-Recapture. There are several projects running in the nature reserve and visitation are possible.
In March, the bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" caught about 659 birds of 35 species. This number is subdivided in 331 E, 114 W and 214 K. 3 bird foreign origin has been caught.
The total amount of birds for the month March is lower (-139) than the average amount of birds caught at the station from 2001-2018 and lower (-123) than the number of last year. The graphic below shows the average amount of birds for each month during the years 2001-2018 in comparison of the numbers of this years, 2018 and the working time for this and last year at the station Schlammwiss.
E: first capture of this individual
W: recapture of an individual which was already captured this year
K: individuals which were ringed one or more years ago or individuals with a foreign country or station
Top 5
1. | PHYCOL | Chiffchaff | 91 |
2. | EMBSCH | Reed Bunting |
72 |
3. | ERIRUB | Robin | 45 |
4. | CHLCHL | Greenfinch | 26 |
5. | CYACAE | Blue Tit | 26 |
Interesting birds captured:
Distribution of the age:
Code | Amount | Definiton |
C | 10 | older than four years |
B | 7 | born four years ago |
A | 5 | older than three years |
9 | 8 | born three years ago |
8 | 14 | older than two years |
7 | 37 | born two years ago |
6 | 47 | older than one year |
5 |
204 |
born last year |
4 | 326 | age unkown, but not born this year |
3 | / | born this year |
2 | 1 | age unknown |
1 | / | nestling |
First spring arrivals:
Species |
Latin Name |
Date (this year) |
Date (last year) |
Blackcap | Sylvia atricapilla | 17.2 | 31.3 |
Water Rail | Rallus aquaticus | 23.2 | 31.3 |
Chiffchaff | Phylloscopus collybita | 2.3 | 10.3 |
Stonechat | Saxicola torquata | 3.3 | 17.3 |
White Spotted Bluethroat | Luscinia svecia cyanecula | 16.3 | 25.3 |
Firecrest | Regulus ignicapilla | 16.3 | 9.4 |
Goldcrest | Regulus regulus | 23.3 | / |
Black Redstart | Phoenicurus ochruros | 24.3 | 24.8 |
Willow Warbler | Phylloscopus trochilus | 30.3 | 1.4 |
Spotted Crake | Porzana porzana | 31.3 | / |
Foreign birds that we controlled this year:
Month | Species | Country |
January | Cyanistes caeruleus | France |
February | Parus major | Belgium |
March | Turdus merula | Belgium |
Troglodytes troglodytes | Belgium | |
Erithacus rubecula | Sweden |
The team of the bird ringing station Schlammwiss are mostly volunteers who did an excellent work this month!
We say thank you for everyone who was helping this month!
In summary we spent around 66 hours during 11 days working at the station.
We also welcome the visitors on our station:
Some photographers sent us their photos which we included into our report.
All other photos are provided by Jim Schmitz.
Thank you for the photos!
Did you take any photos at the station, a visit or of any birds with a ring that could be from our station and want to publish those in the next report of the month?
The first two publication about the water pipit (Anthus spinoletta) project are published!
Thanks to the editiors of this report:
Charel Klein
Jim Schmitz, Anabela Carvalho, Max Steinmetz, Rob Schiltz: Photos ; Cédric Brodin: providing the data
History: The nature reserve "Schlammwiss" was founded in 1982 by the foundation"Hellef fir Natur" (HFN). Afterwards the group "Letzeburger Natur- a Vullenschutzliga" (LNVL) founded the station "Schlammwiss". The station is leaded by the "centrale ornithologique Luxembourg" (COL), a part of the asbl. Natur & Emwelt. Due to the fact that Luxembourg doesn't have its own bird ringing central, we work in cooperation with Royal Belgian Instutitute of Natural Sciences. Therefore, we use rings from the Belgian Museum of Natural Sciences.
Location: The bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" is located in Luxembourg, between the communities Schuttrange & Munsbach. The nature reserve is part of the 375ha big Syrvalley and is an extremely important Natura 2000 zone. The reserve is periodicly flooded due to the Syr river, which is an important generator of biodiversity.
Research area: Around 30ha are used for researche, on a length of 1km and a width of 30-120m. The main area is covered by reeds and wetlands (20ha). Furthermore, the resarch area is subdivided and caracterized by an orchard, a forest, several ponds distributed throughout the reedbed and a purification plant (SIAS). The main techniques employed are mist nets and rail traps in order to realize population estimates (i.e. breeding population, migration, overwintering population) and survival estimates by Capture-Mark-Recapture. There are several projects running in the nature reserve and visitation are possible.
In February, the bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" caught about 549 birds of 24 species. This number is subdivided in 222 E, 212 W and 115 K. One bird foreign origin has been caught.
The total amount of birds for the month February is higher (+99) than the average amount of birds caught at the station from 2001-2018 and lower (-156) than the number of last year. The graphic below shows the average amount of birds for each month during the years 2001-2018 in comparison of the numbers of this years, 2018 and the working time for this and last year at the station Schlammwiss.
E: first capture of this individual
W: recapture of an individual which was already captured this year
K: individuals which were ringed one or more years ago or individuals with a foreign country or station
Distribution of the age:
Code | Amount | Definiton |
C | 10 | older than four years |
B | 3 | born four years ago |
A | 3 | older than three years |
9 | 6 | born three years ago |
8 | 7 | older than two years |
7 | 21 | born two years ago |
6 | 61 | older than one year |
5 |
332 |
born last year |
4 | 103 | age unkown, but not born this year |
3 | / | born this year |
2 | 3 | age unknown |
1 | / | nestling |
First spring arrivals:
Species |
Date (this year) |
Date (last year) |
Blackcap | Sylvia atricapilla | 17.2 | 31.3 |
Foreign birds that we controlled this year:
Month | Species | Country |
January | Cyanistes caeruleus | France |
February | Parus major | Belgium |
The team of the bird ringing station Schlammwiss are mostly volunteers who did an excellent work this month!
We say thank you for everyone who was helping this month!
In summary we spent around 44 hours during 9 days working at the station.
We also welcome the visitors on our station:
Thanks to the editiors of this report:
Charel Klein
Jim Schmitz: Photos ; Cédric Brodin: providing the data
History: The nature reserve "Schlammwiss" was founded in 1982 by the foundation"Hellef fir Natur" (HFN). Afterwards the group "Letzeburger Natur- a Vullenschutzliga" (LNVL) founded the station "Schlammwiss". The station is leaded by the "centrale ornithologique Luxembourg" (COL), a part of the asbl. Natur & Emwelt. Due to the fact that Luxembourg doesn't have its own bird ringing central, we work in cooperation with Royal Belgian Instutitute of Natural Sciences. Therefore, we use rings from the Belgian Museum of Natural Sciences.
Location: The bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" is located in Luxembourg, between the communities Schuttrange & Munsbach. The nature reserve is part of the 375ha big Syrvalley and is an extremely important Natura 2000 zone. The reserve is periodicly flooded due to the Syr river, which is an important generator of biodiversity.
Research area: Around 30ha are used for researche, on a length of 1km and a width of 30-120m. The main area is covered by reeds and wetlands (20ha). Furthermore, the resarch area is subdivided and caracterized by an orchard, a forest, several ponds distributed throughout the reedbed and a purification plant (SIAS). The main techniques employed are mist nets and rail traps in order to realize population estimates (i.e. breeding population, migration, overwintering population) and survival estimates by Capture-Mark-Recapture. There are several projects running in the nature reserve and visitation are possible.
In November, the bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" caught about 353 birds of 23 species. This number is subdivided in 138 E, 140 W and 215 K. One bird foreign origin has been caught.
The total amount of birds for the month January is higher (+151) than the average amount of birds caught in January at the station from 2001-2018 and higher (+10) than the number of last year. The graphic below shows the average amount of birds for each month during the years 2001-2018 in comparison of the numbers of this years, 2018 and the working time for this year at the station Schlammwiss.
E: first capture of this individual
W: recapture of an individual which was already captured this year
K: individuals which were ringed one or more years ago or individuals with a foreign country or station
Distribution of the age:
Code | Amount | Definiton |
C | 3 | older than four years |
B | 6 | born four years ago |
A | 7 | older than three years |
9 | 4 | born three years ago |
8 | 10 | older than two years |
7 | 36 | born two years ago |
6 | 61 | older than one year |
5 |
268 |
born last year |
4 | 88 | age unkown, but not born this year |
3 | / | born this year |
2 | 10 | age unknown |
1 | / | nestling |
Foreign birds that we controlled this year:
Month | Species | Country |
January | Cyanistes caeruleus | France |
The team of the bird ringing station Schlammwiss are mostly volunteers who did an excellent work this month!
We say thank you for everyone who was helping this month!
In summary we spent around 25 hours during 6 days working at the station.
We also welcome the visitors on our station:
Thanks to the editiors of this report:
Charel Klein
Jim Schmitz: Photos ; Cédric Brodin: providing the data
History: The nature reserve "Schlammwiss" was founded in 1982 by the foundation"Hellef fir Natur" (HFN). Afterwards the group "Letzeburger Natur- a Vullenschutzliga" (LNVL) founded the station "Schlammwiss". The station is leaded by the "centrale ornithologique Luxembourg" (COL), a part of the asbl. Natur & Emwelt. Due to the fact that Luxembourg doesn't have its own bird ringing central, we work in cooperation with Royal Belgian Instutitute of Natural Sciences. Therefore, we use rings from the Belgian Museum of Natural Sciences.
Location: The bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" is located in Luxembourg, between the communities Schuttrange & Munsbach. The nature reserve is part of the 375ha big Syrvalley and is an extremely important Natura 2000 zone. The reserve is periodicly flooded due to the Syr river, which is an important generator of biodiversity.
Research area: Around 30ha are used for researche, on a length of 1km and a width of 30-120m. The main area is covered by reeds and wetlands (20ha). Furthermore, the resarch area is subdivided and caracterized by an orchard, a forest, several ponds distributed throughout the reedbed and a purification plant (SIAS). The main techniques employed are mist nets and rail traps in order to realize population estimates (i.e. breeding population, migration, overwintering population) and survival estimates by Capture-Mark-Recapture. There are several projects running in the nature reserve and visitation are possible.
In November, the bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" caught about 365 birds of 24 species. This number is subdivided in 171 E, 184 W and 10 K. One bird foreign origin has been caught.
The total amount of birds for the month is higher than the average amount of birds caught in Dezember at the station. The graphic below shows the average amount of birds for each month during the years 2001-2014.
E: first capture of this individual
W: recapture of an individual which was already captured this year
K: individuals which were ringed one or more years ago or individuals with a foreign country or station
Distribution of the age:
Code | Amount | Definiton |
C | 2 | older than four years |
B | / | born four years ago |
A | / | older than three years |
9 | 3 | born three years ago |
8 | 2 | older than two years |
7 | 5 | born two years ago |
6 | 1 | older than one year |
5 | 15 | born last year |
4 | 61 | age unkown, but not born this year |
3 | 193 | born this year |
2 | 83 | age unknown |
1 | / | nestling |
Foreign birds that we controlled this year:
Month | Species | Country |
January | / | / |
February | Sturnus vulgaris | Belgium |
March | Emberiza schoeniclus | France |
Phylloscopus collybita | Belgium | |
Phylloscopus collybita | Belgium | |
April | / | / |
May | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Sweden |
June | / | / |
July | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Latvia |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Germany - Helgoland | |
Parus major | Belgium | |
August | Acrocephalus palustris | Belgium |
Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | Belgium | |
Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | Germany - Radolfzell | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Germany - Hiddensee | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | France | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Netherlands | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Poland | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Spain | |
Sylvia borin | England | |
Sylvia communis | Belgium | |
Sylvia curruca | Belgium | |
September | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | England | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Germany - Hiddensee | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Poland | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Sweden | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Sweden | |
Phylloscopus caollybita | Sweden | |
Sylvia atricapilla | Belgium | |
October | / | / |
November | Parus caeruleus | France |
Dezember | / | / |
The team of the bird ringing station Schlammwiss are mostly volunteers who did an excellent work this month!
We say thank you for everyone who was helping this month!
In summary we spent around 18 hours during 5 days working at the station.
We also welcome the visitors on our station:
Thanks to the editiors of this report:
Charel Klein
Jim Schmitz, Cédric Brodin
History: The nature reserve "Schlammwiss" was founded in 1982 by the foundation"Hellef fir Natur" (HFN). Afterwards the group "Letzeburger Natur- a Vullenschutzliga" (LNVL) founded the station "Schlammwiss". The station is leaded by the "centrale ornithologique Luxembourg" (COL), a part of the asbl. Natur & Emwelt. Due to the fact that Luxembourg doesn't have its own bird ringing central, we work in cooperation with Royal Belgian Instutitute of Natural Sciences. Therefore, we use rings from the Belgian Museum of Natural Sciences.
Location: The bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" is located in Luxembourg, between the communities Schuttrange & Munsbach. The nature reserve is part of the 375ha big Syrvalley and is an extremely important Natura 2000 zone. The reserve is periodicly flooded due to the Syr river, which is an important generator of biodiversity.
Research area: Around 30ha are used for researche, on a length of 1km and a width of 30-120m. The main area is covered by reeds and wetlands (20ha). Furthermore, the resarch area is subdivided and caracterized by an orchard, a forest, several ponds distributed throughout the reedbed and a purification plant (SIAS). The main techniques employed are mist nets and rail traps in order to realize population estimates (i.e. breeding population, migration, overwintering population) and survival estimates by Capture-Mark-Recapture. There are several projects running in the nature reserve and visitation are possible.
In November, the bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" caught about 640 birds of 32 species. This number is subdivided in 350 E, 283 W and 7 K. One bird foreign origin has been caught.
The total amount of birds for the month is lower than the average amount of birds caught in November at the station. The graphic below shows the average amount of birds for each month during the years 2001-2014.
E: first capture of this individual
W: recapture of an individual which was already captured this year
K: individuals which were ringed one or more years ago or individuals with a foreign country or station
Top 5
1. | CARCHL | Greenfinch | 100 |
2. | PARCAE | Blue Tit |
65 |
3. | ERIRUB | Robin | 50 |
4. | PASDOM | House Sparrow | 26 |
5. | TURMER | Blackbird | 14 |
Interesting birds captured:
Distribution of the age:
Code | Amount | Definiton |
C | / | older than four years |
B | 2 | born four years ago |
A | 2 | older than three years |
9 | 4 | born three years ago |
8 | 1 | older than two years |
7 | 4 | born two years ago |
6 | / | older than one year |
5 | 20 | born last year |
4 | 82 | age unkown, but not born this year |
3 | 421 | born this year |
2 | 104 | age unknown |
1 | / | nestling |
Foreign birds that we controlled this year:
Month | Species | Country |
January | / | / |
February | Sturnus vulgaris | Belgium |
March | Emberiza schoeniclus | France |
Phylloscopus collybita | Belgium | |
Phylloscopus collybita | Belgium | |
April | / | / |
May | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Sweden |
June | / | / |
July | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Latvia |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Germany - Helgoland | |
Parus major | Belgium | |
August | Acrocephalus palustris | Belgium |
Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | Belgium | |
Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | Germany - Radolfzell | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Germany - Hiddensee | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | France | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Netherlands | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Poland | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Spain | |
Sylvia borin | England | |
Sylvia communis | Belgium | |
Sylvia curruca | Belgium | |
September | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | England | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Germany - Hiddensee | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Poland | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Sweden | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Sweden | |
Phylloscopus caollybita | Sweden | |
Sylvia atricapilla | Belgium | |
October | / | / |
November | Parus caeruleus | France |
The team of the bird ringing station Schlammwiss are mostly volunteers who did an excellent work this month!
We say thank you for everyone who was helping this month!
In summary we spent around 40 hours during 9 days working at the station.
We also welcome the visitors on our station:
Thanks to the editiors of this report:
Charel Klein
Jim Schmitz, Cédric Brodin, Max Steinmetz
History: The nature reserve "Schlammwiss" was founded in 1982 by the foundation"Hellef fir Natur" (HFN). Afterwards the group "Letzeburger Natur- a Vullenschutzliga" (LNVL) founded the station "Schlammwiss". The station is leaded by the "centrale ornithologique Luxembourg" (COL), a part of the asbl. Natur & Emwelt. Due to the fact that Luxembourg doesn't have its own bird ringing central, we work in cooperation with Royal Belgian Instutitute of Natural Sciences. Therefore, we use rings from the Belgian Museum of Natural Sciences.
Location: The bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" is located in Luxembourg, between the communities Schuttrange & Munsbach. The nature reserve is part of the 375ha big Syrvalley and is an extremely important Natura 2000 zone. The reserve is periodicly flooded due to the Syr river, which is an important generator of biodiversity.
Research area: Around 30ha are used for researche, on a length of 1km and a width of 30-120m. The main area is covered by reeds and wetlands (20ha). Furthermore, the resarch area is subdivided and caracterized by an orchard, a forest, several ponds distributed throughout the reedbed and a purification plant (SIAS). The main techniques employed are mist nets and rail traps in order to realize population estimates (i.e. breeding population, migration, overwintering population) and survival estimates by Capture-Mark-Recapture. There are several projects running in the nature reserve and visitation are possible.
In October, the bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" caught about 1 237 birds of 36 species. This number is subdivided in 991 E, 238 W and 8 K. None birds foreign origin has been caught.
The total amount of birds for the month is higher than the average amount of birds caught in October at the station. The graphic below shows the average amount of birds for each month during the years 2001-2014.
E: first capture of this individual
W: recapture of an individual which was already captured this year
K: individuals which were ringed one or more years ago or individuals with a foreign country or station
Distribution of the age:
Code | Amount | Definiton |
C | / | older than four years |
B | 1 | born four years ago |
A | / | older than three years |
9 | 2 | born three years ago |
8 | 1 | older than two years |
7 | 2 | born two years ago |
6 | 2 | older than one year |
5 | 12 | born last year |
4 | 90 | age unkown, but not born this year |
3 | 776 | born this year |
2 | 349 | age unknown |
1 | 2 | nestling |
Foreign birds that we controlled this year:
Month | Species | Country |
January | / | / |
February | Sturnus vulgaris | Belgium |
March | Emberiza schoeniclus | France |
Phylloscopus collybita | Belgium | |
Phylloscopus collybita | Belgium | |
April | / | / |
May | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Sweden |
June | / | / |
July | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Latvia |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Germany - Helgoland | |
Parus major | Belgium | |
August | Acrocephalus palustris | Belgium |
Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | Belgium | |
Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | Germany - Radolfzell | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Germany - Hiddensee | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | France | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Netherlands | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Poland | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Spain | |
Sylvia borin | England | |
Sylvia communis | Belgium | |
Sylvia curruca | Belgium | |
September | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | England | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Germany - Hiddensee | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Poland | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Sweden | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Sweden | |
Phylloscopus caollybita | Sweden | |
Sylvia atricapilla | Belgium | |
October | / | / |
The team of the bird ringing station Schlammwiss are mostly volunteers who did an excellent work this month!
We say thank you for everyone who was helping this month!
In summary we spent around 78 hours during 11 days working at the station.
We also welcome the visitors on our station:
Thanks to the editiors of this report:
Charel Klein
Jim Schmitz, Cédric Brodin
History: The nature reserve "Schlammwiss" was founded in 1982 by the foundation"Hellef fir Natur" (HFN). Afterwards the group "Letzeburger Natur- a Vullenschutzliga" (LNVL) founded the station "Schlammwiss". The station is leaded by the "centrale ornithologique Luxembourg" (COL), a part of the asbl. Natur & Emwelt. Due to the fact that Luxembourg doesn't have its own bird ringing central, we work in cooperation with Royal Belgian Instutitute of Natural Sciences. Therefore, we use rings from the Belgian Museum of Natural Sciences.
Location: The bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" is located in Luxembourg, between the communities Schuttrange & Munsbach. The nature reserve is part of the 375ha big Syrvalley and is an extremely important Natura 2000 zone. The reserve is periodicly flooded due to the Syr river, which is an important generator of biodiversity.
Research area: Around 30ha are used for researche, on a length of 1km and a width of 30-120m. The main area is covered by reeds and wetlands (20ha). Furthermore, the resarch area is subdivided and caracterized by an orchard, a forest, several ponds distributed throughout the reedbed and a purification plant (SIAS). The main techniques employed are mist nets and rail traps in order to realize population estimates (i.e. breeding population, migration, overwintering population) and survival estimates by Capture-Mark-Recapture. There are several projects running in the nature reserve and visitation are possible.
In september, the bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" caught about 3 520 birds of 53 species. This number is subdivided in 3 163 E, 338 W and 19 K. 8 birds foreign origin has been caught.
The total amount of birds for the month is lower than the average amount of birds caught in september at the station. The graphic below shows the average amount of birds for each month during the years 2001-2014.
E: first capture of this individual
W: recapture of an individual which was already captured this year
K: individuals which were ringed one or more years ago or individuals with a foreign country or station
Top 5
1. | SYLATR | Blackcap | 1 612 |
2. | ARCSCI | Reed Warbler |
744 |
3. | ERIRUB | Robin | 199 |
4. | PRUMOD | Dunock | 132 |
5. | PARCAE | Blue tit | 81 |
Interesting birds captured:
Distribution of the age:
Code | Amount | Definiton |
C | / | older than four years |
B | / | born four years ago |
A | / | older than three years |
9 | 4 | born three years ago |
8 | 3 | older than two years |
7 | 1 | born two years ago |
6 | / | older than one year |
5 | 14 | born last year |
4 | 89 | age unkown, but not born this year |
3 | 2167 | born this year |
2 | 1238 | age unknown |
1 | 4 | nestling |
Foreign birds that we controlled this year:
Month | Species | Country |
January | / | / |
February | Sturnus vulgaris | Beglium |
March | Emberiza schoeniclus | France |
Phylloscopus collybita | Belgium | |
Phylloscopus collybita | Belgium | |
April | / | / |
May | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Sweden |
June | / | / |
July | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Latvia |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Germany - Helgoland | |
Parus major | Belgium | |
August | Acrocephalus palustris | Belgium |
Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | Belgium | |
Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | Germany - Radolfzell | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Germany - Hiddensee | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | France | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Netherlands | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Poland | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Spain | |
Sylvia borin | England | |
Sylvia communis | Belgium | |
Sylvia curruca | Belgium | |
September | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | England | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Germany - Hiddensee | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Poland | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Sweden | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Sweden | |
Phylloscopus caollybita | Sweden | |
Sylvia atricapilla | Belgium |
The team of the bird ringing station Schlammwiss are mostly volunteers who did an excellent work this month!
We say thank you for everyone who was helping this month!
In summary we spent around 112 hours during 24 days working at the station.
We also welcome the visitors on our station:
Thanks to the editiors of this report:
Charel Klein
Jim Schmitz, Cédric Brodin
Thank you for providing the data Jules Diedrich!
History: The nature reserve "Schlammwiss" was founded in 1982 by the foundation"Hellef fir Natur" (HFN). Afterwards the group "Letzeburger Natur- a Vullenschutzliga" (LNVL) founded the station "Schlammwiss". The station is leaded by the "centrale ornithologique Luxembourg" (COL), a part of the asbl. Natur & Emwelt. Due to the fact that Luxembourg doesn't have its own bird ringing central, we work in cooperation with Royal Belgian Instutitute of Natural Sciences. Therefore, we use rings from the Belgian Museum of Natural Sciences.
Location: The bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" is located in Luxembourg, between the communities Schuttrange & Munsbach. The nature reserve is part of the 375ha big Syrvalley and is an extremely important Natura 2000 zone. The reserve is periodicly flooded due to the Syr river, which is an important generator of biodiversity.
Research area: Around 30ha are used for researche, on a length of 1km and a width of 30-120m. The main area is covered by reeds and wetlands (20ha). Furthermore, the resarch area is subdivided and caracterized by an orchard, a forest, several ponds distributed throughout the reedbed and a purification plant (SIAS). The main techniques employed are mist nets and rail traps in order to realize population estimates (i.e. breeding population, migration, overwintering population) and survival estimates by Capture-Mark-Recapture. There are several projects running in the nature reserve and visitation are possible.
In august, the bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" caught about 4 249 birds of 56 species. This number is subdivided in 3 691 E, 528 W and 30 K. 14 bird foreign origin has been caught.
The total amount of birds for the month is lower than the average amount of birds caught in august at the station. The graphic below shows the average amount of birds for each month during the years 2001-2014.
E: first capture of this individual
W: recapture of an individual which was already captured this year
K: individuals which were ringed one or more years ago or individuals with a foreign country or station
Top 5
1. | ACRSCI | Reed Warbler | 1 342 |
2. | HIRRUS | Barn Swallow |
1 101 |
3. | SYLATR | Blackcap | 379 |
4. | ACRPAL | Marsh Warbler | 165 |
5. | ACRSCH | Sedge Warbler | 80 |
Interesting birds captured:
Distribution of the age:
Code | Amount | Definiton |
C | 4 | older than four years |
B | 1 | born four years ago |
A | 1 | older than three years |
9 | 5 | born three years ago |
8 | 2 | older than two years |
7 | 7 | born two years ago |
6 | 6 | older than one year |
5 | 26 | born last year |
4 | 435 | age unkown, but not born this year |
3 | 3492 | born this year |
2 | 270 | age unknown |
1 | / | nestling |
Foreign birds that we controlled this year:
Month | Species | Country |
January | / | / |
February | Sturnus vulgaris | Beglium |
March | Emberiza schoeniclus | France |
Phylloscopus collybita | Belgium | |
Phylloscopus collybita | Belgium | |
April | / | / |
May | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Sweden |
June | / | /Belgium |
July | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Latvia |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Germany - Helgoland | |
Parus major | Belgium | |
August | Acrocephalus palustris | Belgium |
Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | Belgium | |
Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | Germany - Radolfzell | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Belgium | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Germany - Hiddensee | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | France | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Netherlands | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Poland | |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Spain | |
Sylvia borin | England | |
Sylvia communis | Belgium | |
Sylvia curruca | Belgium |
The team of the bird ringing station Schlammwiss are mostly volunteers who did an excellent work this month!
We say thank you for everyone who was helping this month!
In summary we spent around 175 hours during 27 days working at the station.
We also welcome the visitors on our station:
Thanks to the editiors of this report:
Charel Klein
Jim Schmitz, Cédric Brodin
History: The nature reserve "Schlammwiss" was founded in 1982 by the foundation"Hellef fir Natur" (HFN). Afterwards the group "Letzeburger Natur- a Vullenschutzliga" (LNVL) founded the station "Schlammwiss". The station is leaded by the "centrale ornithologique Luxembourg" (COL), a part of the asbl. Natur & Emwelt. Due to the fact that Luxembourg doesn't have its own bird ringing central, we work in cooperation with Royal Belgian Instutitute of Natural Sciences. Therefore, we use rings from the Belgian Museum of Natural Sciences.
Location: The bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" is located in Luxembourg, between the communities Schuttrange & Munsbach. The nature reserve is part of the 375ha big Syrvalley and is an extremely important Natura 2000 zone. The reserve is periodicly flooded due to the Syr river, which is an important generator of biodiversity.
Research area: Around 30ha are used for researche, on a length of 1km and a width of 30-120m. The main area is covered by reeds and wetlands (20ha). Furthermore, the resarch area is subdivided and caracterized by an orchard, a forest, several ponds distributed throughout the reedbed and a purification plant (SIAS). The main techniques employed are mist nets and rail traps in order to realize population estimates (i.e. breeding population, migration, overwintering population) and survival estimates by Capture-Mark-Recapture. There are several projects running in the nature reserve and visitation are possible.
In july, the bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" caught about 1711 birds of 52 species. This number is subdivided in 1092 E, 572 W and 47 K. 3 bird foreign origin has been caught.
The total amount of birds for the month is lower than the average amount of birds caught in july at the station. The graphic below shows the average amount of birds for each month during the years 2001-2014.
E: first capture of this individual
W: recapture of an individual which was already captured this year
K: individuals which were ringed one or more years ago or individuals with a foreign country or station
Top 5
1. | ACRSCI | Reed Warbler | 255 |
2. | ACRPAL | Marsh Warbler |
228 |
3. | SYLATR | Blackcap | 147 |
4. | PARCAE | Blue Tit | 74 |
5. | PARMAJ | Great Tit | 68 |
Interesting birds captured:
Distribution of the age:
Code | Amount | Definiton |
C | 5 | older than four years |
B | 4 | born four years ago |
A | 4 | older than three years |
9 | 11 | born three years ago |
8 | 2 | older than two years |
7 | 8 | born two years ago |
6 | 18 | older than one year |
5 | 57 | born last year |
4 | 265 | age unkown, but not born this year |
3 | 1316 | born this year |
2 | 16 | age unknown |
1 | 5 | nestling |
Distribution of nestlings - Code 1
Species | Latin name | Quantity |
Great Tit |
Parus major |
3 |
Kestrel |
Falco tinnunculus |
2 |
Foreign birds that we controlled this year:
Month | Species | Country |
January | / | / |
February | Sturnus vulgaris | Beglium |
March | Phylloscopus collybita | Belgium |
Phylloscopus collybita | Belgium | |
Emberiza schoeniclus | France | |
April | / | / |
May | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Sweden |
June | / | / |
July | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Latvia |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Germany - Helgoland | |
Parus major | Belgium |
The team of the bird ringing station Schlammwiss are mostly volunteers who did an excellent work this month!
We say thank you for everyone who was helping this month!
In summary we spent around 91 hours during 21 days working at the station.
We also welcome the visitors on our station:
Thanks to the editiors of this report:
Charel Klein
Jim Schmitz, Cédric Brodin
History: The nature reserve "Schlammwiss" was founded in 1982 by the foundation"Hellef fir Natur" (HFN). Afterwards the group "Letzeburger Natur- a Vullenschutzliga" (LNVL) founded the station "Schlammwiss". The station is leaded by the "centrale ornithologique Luxembourg" (COL), a part of the asbl. Natur & Emwelt. Due to the fact that Luxembourg doesn't have its own bird ringing central, we work in cooperation with Royal Belgian Instutitute of Natural Sciences. Therefore, we use rings from the Belgian Museum of Natural Sciences.
Location: The bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" is located in Luxembourg, between the communities Schuttrange & Munsbach. The nature reserve is part of the 375ha big Syrvalley and is an extremely important Natura 2000 zone. The reserve is periodicly flooded due to the Syr river, which is an important generator of biodiversity.
Research area: Around 30ha are used for researche, on a length of 1km and a width of 30-120m. The main area is covered by reeds and wetlands (20ha). Furthermore, the resarch area is subdivided and caracterized by an orchard, a forest, several ponds distributed throughout the reedbed and a purification plant (SIAS). The main techniques employed are mist nets and rail traps in order to realize population estimates (i.e. breeding population, migration, overwintering population) and survival estimates by Capture-Mark-Recapture. There are several projects running in the nature reserve and visitation are possible.
In june, the bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" caught about 987 birds of 42 species. This number is subdivided in 539 E, 381 W and 67 K. None bird foreign origin has been caught.
The total amount of birds for the month is lower than the average amount of birds caught in june at the station. The graphic below shows the average amount of birds for each month during the years 2001-2014.
E: first capture of this individual
W: recapture of an individual which was already captured this year
K: individuals which were ringed one or more years ago or individuals with a foreign country or station
First spring arrivals:
Species | Date |
Phylloscopus collybiata | 10.3 |
Phoenicurus ochruros | 24.3 |
Luscinia svecica | 25.3 |
Rallus aquaticus |
31.3 |
Sylvia atricapilla | 31.3 |
Phylloscopus trochilus |
1.4 |
Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | 7.4 |
Sylvia communis | 8.4 |
Regulus ignicapilla | 9.4 |
Sylvia curruca | 14.4 |
Luscinia megarhynchos | 21.4 |
Acrocephalus arundinaceus | 22.4 |
Sylvia borin | 22.4 |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | 1.5 |
Locustella naevia | 1.5 |
Lanius collurio | 10.5 |
Locustella luscinioides | 10.5 |
Acrocephalus palustris | 13.5 |
Distribution of the age:
Code | Amount | Definiton |
C | 11 | older than four years |
B | 7 | born four years ago |
A | 10 | older than three years |
9 | 8 | born three years ago |
8 | 4 | older than two years |
7 | 14 | born two years ago |
6 | 49 | older than one year |
5 | 77 | born last year |
4 | 201 | age unkown, but not born this year |
3 | 576 | born this year |
2 | / | age unknown |
1 | 30 | nestling |
Distribution of nestlings - Code 1
Species | Latin name | Quantity |
Kestrel | Falco tinnunculus | 9 |
Little Owl | Athene noctua | 8 |
Phoenicurus ochruros | Black Redstart | 5 |
Great Tit | Parus Major | 4 |
Pied Flycatcher | Ficedula hypoleuca | 3 |
Foreign birds that we controlled this year:
Month | Species | Country |
January | / | / |
February | Sturnus vulgaris | Beglium |
March | Phylloscopus collybita | Belgium |
Phylloscopus collybita | Belgium | |
Emberiza schoeniclus | France | |
April | / | / |
May | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Sweden |
June | / | / |
The team of the bird ringing station Schlammwiss are mostly volunteers who did an excellent work this month!
We say thank you for everyone who was helping this month!
In summary we spent around 72 hours during 22 days working at the station.
We also welcome the visitors on our station:
Thanks to the editiors of this report:
Charel Klein
Jim Schmitz, Cédric Brodin
Vorab ein großes Dankeschön an die Organisatoren des luxemburgischen Nationalmuseums für Naturgeschichte, die für eine sehr interessante und lehrreiche Veranstaltung gesorgt und uns die Teilnahme ermöglicht haben.
Begonnen wurde das Biodiversitätswochenende am Samstag, den 09.06.2018, um 9:00 Uhr mit einer Einführungsveranstaltung in Oberfeuelen. Nach Erläuterung der zu verwendenden Datenbank „iNaturalist“ konnten erste interessante Gespräche bei koffeinhaltiger Stärkung und Croissants - gestellt von den Organisatoren - zu Stande kommen. Schließlich machten sich Botaniker, Entomologen, Mykologen und viele weitere Fach-Experten auf den Weg, um Fauna und Flora der Gemeinde zu erfassen und diese einschließlich der Standort-Koordinaten in der „iNaturalist“ Datenbank zu registrieren.
Aus dem ornithologischen Bereich leisteten vier Helfer des Beringungs-Teams der „Schlammwiss“ in Uebersyren ihren Beitrag zur Datenerfassung. Gewählt wurde eine etwa 8,5 km lange Route, die verschiedene Wald-, Offenland- und urbane Flächen enthielt und somit ein breiteres Artenspektrum abdecken konnte.
Insgesamt wurden 49 verschiedene Arten identifiziert, die wie in Abbildung 1 zu sehen, 183 Beobachtungspunkte umfassen. In der Ortschaft war der Haussperling (Passer domesticus) mit Abstand am häufigsten anzutreffen, gefolgt von Rauchschwalben (Hirundo rustica). Darüber hinaus konnte ebenfalls ein Feldsperling (Passer montanus) entdeckt werden. Etwas außergewöhnlicher war der Fund eins Gebirgsstelzen-Pärchens (Motacilla cinerea).
Zwischen Feldern und Äckern konnten Feldlerchen (Alauda arvensis) und verschiedene Greifvögel beobachtet werden (Tabelle 1). Des Weiteren konnte ein aufsitzender Neuntöter (Lanius collurio) aus der Familie der Würger nachgewiesen werden (siehe Abbildung 3).
In den Waldgebieten dominierten die Gesänge männlicher Buchfinke (Fringilla coelebs), dicht gefolgt von Mönchsgrasmücken (Syvia tricapilla). Darüber hinaus wurden fünf Baumpieper (Anthus trivialis) beobachtet und / oder durch ihren Gang in de Gebiete festgestellt (siehe Abbildung 4). Weitere klassische nachgewiesene Arten von Waldgesellschaften waren neben Eichelhähern (Garullus glandarius) außerdem Buntspechte (Dendrocops major), Kernbeißer (Cocothraustes cocothraustes) und Tannenmeisen (Parus ater). Außergewöhnlicher waren die Rufe zweier Turteltauben (Streptopelia turtur).
Gegen 18:00 Uhr trafen sich wieder alle Teilnehmer in Oberfeulen und begannen sich über ihre Beobachtungen auszutauschen. So konnten zusätzlich beobachtete Arten anderer Fachbereiche anhand von Fotos nachbestimmt werden (Abbildung 5). Für die Teilnehmer der Schlammwiss endete aus zeitlichen Gründen schließlich der Biodiversitäts-Tag, während die Organisatoren und anderen Teilnehmer sich um ein gemütliches Beisammensein mit gegrilltem Abendessen sorgten.
Autor: Mike Müller
We received two interesting news about recaptured birds toady that were ringed in Luxembourg in 2015 and 2017. The information is provided by Jules D., our secretary of the Luxembourgian birdringing working group.
A Marsh Warbler (Acrocephalus palustris) that was caught the 4. July 2017 at another birdringingstation in Schifflange, Luxembourg was recaptured 27 days later in Davod, South of Hungary on the border to Crotia and Serbia. The distance between both places is about 1049 km.
The second information is about a Barn Swallow (Hirunda rustica) that we ringed in 2015 at our station. The bird was found 124 days later in Tshitazu, Democratic Republic of Congo. Unfortunately, the bird was caught and killed. The distance is 6651km, a new record for the station and Luxembourg!
Species | Ringed | Date | Recaptured | Date | Distance | Info |
Hirunda rustica | Schlammwiss | 19.09.2015 | Tshitazu, Dem. Rep. Congo | 20.01.2016 | 6651 km | caught & killed |
Acrocephalus palustris | Schifflange | 04.07.2017 | Davod, Hungary | 30.07.2017 | 1049 km |
Thank you Jules D. for the information!
Autor: Charel Klein
History: The nature reserve "Schlammwiss" was founded in 1982 by the foundation"Hellef fir Natur" (HFN). Afterwards the group "Letzeburger Natur- a Vullenschutzliga" (LNVL) founded the station "Schlammwiss". The station is leaded by the "centrale ornithologique Luxembourg" (COL), a part of the asbl. Natur & Emwelt. Due to the fact that Luxembourg doesn't have its own bird ringing central, we work in cooperation with Royal Belgian Instutitute of Natural Sciences. Therefore, we use rings from the Belgian Museum of Natural Sciences.
Location: The bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" is located in Luxembourg, between the communities Schuttrange & Munsbach. The nature reserve is part of the 375ha big Syrvalley and is an extremely important Natura 2000 zone. The reserve is periodicly flooded due to the Syr river, which is an important generator of biodiversity.
Research area: Around 30ha are used for researche, on a length of 1km and a width of 30-120m. The main area is covered by reeds and wetlands (20ha). Furthermore, the resarch area is subdivided and caracterized by an orchard, a forest, several ponds distributed throughout the reedbed and a purification plant (SIAS). The main techniques employed are mist nets and rail traps in order to realize population estimates (i.e. breeding population, migration, overwintering population) and survival estimates by Capture-Mark-Recapture. There are several projects running in the nature reserve and visitation are possible.
In may, the bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" caught about 638 birds of 36 species. This number is subdivided in 484 E, 102 W and 52 K. None bird foreign origin has been caught.
The total amount of birds for the month is higher than the average amount of birds caught in april at the station. The graphic below shows the average amount of birds for each month during the years 2001-2014.
E: first capture of this individual
W: recapture of an individual which was already captured this year
K: individuals which were ringed one or more years ago or individuals with a foreign country or station
Top 5
1. | PARMAJ | Great Tit | 215 |
2. | ARCSCI | Reed Warbler | 80 |
3. | PARCAE | Bluet Tit | 57 |
4. | FICHYP | Pied Flycatcher | 40 |
5. | ARCPAL | Marsh Warbler | 26 |
Interesting birds captured:
First spring arrivals:
Species | Date |
Phylloscopus collybiata | 10.3 |
Phoenicurus ochruros | 24.3 |
Luscinia svecica | 25.3 |
Rallus aquaticus |
31.3 |
Sylvia atricapilla | 31.3 |
Phylloscopus trochilus |
1.4 |
Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | 7.4 |
Sylvia communis | 8.4 |
Regulus ignicapilla | 9.4 |
Sylvia curruca | 14.4 |
Luscinia megarhynchos | 21.4 |
Acrocephalus arundinaceus | 22.4 |
Sylvia borin | 22.4 |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | 1.5 |
Locustella naevia | 1.5 |
Lanius collurio | 10.5 |
Locustella luscinioides | 10.5 |
Acrocephalus palustris | 13.5 |
Distribution of the age:
Code | Amount | Definiton |
C | 1 | older than four years |
B | 8 | born four years ago |
A | 4 | older than three years |
9 | 5 | born three years ago |
8 | 6 | older than two years |
7 | 12 | born two years ago |
6 | 26 | older than one year |
5 | 42 | born last year |
4 | 208 | age unkown, but not born this year |
3 | 10 | born this year |
2 | / | age unknown |
1 | 316 | nestling |
Distribution of nestlings - Code 1
Species | Latin name | Quantity |
Great Tit | Parus major | 215 |
Blue Tit | Parus caeruleus | 53 |
Pied Flycatcher | Ficedula hypoleuca | 40 |
Black Redstart | Phoenicurus ochruros | 5 |
House sparrow | Passer domesticus | 3 |
Foreign birds that we controlled this year:
Month | Species | Country |
January | / | / |
February | Sturnus vulgaris | Beglium |
March | Phylloscopus collybita | Belgium |
Phylloscopus collybita | Belgium | |
Emberiza schoeniclus | France | |
April | / | / |
May | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Sweden |
The team of the bird ringing station Schlammwiss are mostly volunteers who did an excellent work this month!
We say thank you for everyone who was helping this month!
In summary we spent around 51 hours during 17 days working at the station.
We also welcome the visitors on our station:
Thanks to the editiors of this report:
Charel Klein
Jim Schmitz, Cédric Brodin, Max Steinmetz
History: The nature reserve "Schlammwiss" was founded in 1982 by the foundation"Hellef fir Natur" (HFN). Afterwards the group "Letzeburger Natur- a Vullenschutzliga" (LNVL) founded the station "Schlammwiss". The station is leaded by the "centrale ornithologique Luxembourg" (COL), a part of the asbl. Natur & Emwelt. Due to the fact that Luxembourg doesn't have its own bird ringing central, we work in cooperation with Royal Belgian Instutitute of Natural Sciences. Therefore, we use rings from the Belgian Museum of Natural Sciences.
Location: The bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" is located in Luxembourg, between the communities Schuttrange & Munsbach. The nature reserve is part of the 375ha big Syrvalley and is an extremely important Natura 2000 zone. The reserve is periodicly flooded due to the Syr river, which is an important generator of biodiversity.
Research area: Around 30ha are used for researche, on a length of 1km and a width of 30-120m. The main area is covered by reeds and wetlands (20ha). Furthermore, the resarch area is subdivided and caracterized by an orchard, a forest, several ponds distributed throughout the reedbed and a purification plant (SIAS). The main techniques employed are mist nets and rail traps in order to realize population estimates (i.e. breeding population, migration, overwintering population) and survival estimates by Capture-Mark-Recapture. There are several projects running in the nature reserve and visitation are possible.
In april, the bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" caught about 759 birds of 41 species. This number is subdivided in 461 E, 209 W and 89 K. None bird foreign origin has been caught.
The total amount of birds for the month is higher than the average amount of birds caught in april at the station. The graphic below shows the average amount of birds for each month during the years 2001-2014.
E: first capture of this individual
W: recapture of an individual which was already captured this year
K: individuals which were ringed one or more years ago or individuals with a foreign country or station
Top 5
1. | SYLATR | Blackcap | 125 |
2. | COCCOC | Hawfinch | 94 |
3. | CARCHL | Greenfinch | 44 |
4. | EMBSCH | Reed bunting | 36 |
5. | STUVUL | Starling | 32 |
Interesting birds captured:
First spring arrivals:
Species | Date |
Phylloscopus collybiata | 10.3 |
Phoenicurus ochruros | 24.3 |
Luscinia svecica | 25.3 |
Rallus aquaticus |
31.3 |
Sylvia atricapilla | 31.3 |
Phylloscopus trochilus |
1.4 |
Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | 7.4 |
Sylvia communis | 8.4 |
Regulus ignicapilla | 9.4 |
Sylvia curruca | 14.4 |
Luscinia megarhynchos | 21.4 |
Acrocephalus arundinaceus | 22.4 |
Sylvia borin | 22.4 |
Distribution of the age:
Code | Amount | Definiton |
C | 6 | older than four years |
B | 11 | born four years ago |
A | 8 | older than three years |
9 | 17 | born three years ago |
8 | 12 | older than two years |
7 | 21 | born two years ago |
6 | 90 | older than one year |
5 | 232 | born last year |
4 | 362 | age unkown, but not born this year |
3 | / | born this year |
2 | / | age unknown |
1 | / | nestling |
Foreign birds that we controlled this year:
Month | Species | Country |
January | / | / |
February | Sturnus vulgaris | Beglium |
March | Phylloscopus collybita | Belgium |
Phylloscopus collybita | Belgium | |
Emberiza schoeniclus | France | |
April | / | / |
The team of the bird ringing station Schlammwiss are mostly volunteers who did an excellent work this month!
We say thank you for everyone who was helping this month!
In summary we spent around 57 hours during 13 days working at the station.
We also welcome the visitors on our station:
Thanks to the editiors of this report:
Charel Klein
Jim Schmitz, Cédric Brodin, Max Steinmetz
History: The nature reserve "Schlammwiss" was founded in 1982 by the foundation"Hellef fir Natur" (HFN). Afterwards the group "Letzeburger Natur- a Vullenschutzliga" (LNVL) founded the station "Schlammwiss". The station is leaded by the "centrale ornithologique Luxembourg" (COL), a part of the asbl. Natur & Emwelt. Due to the fact that Luxembourg doesn't have its own bird ringing central, we work in cooperation with Royal Belgian Instutitute of Natural Sciences. Therefore, we use rings from the Belgian Museum of Natural Sciences.
Location: The bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" is located in Luxembourg, between the communities Schuttrange & Munsbach. The nature reserve is part of the 375ha big Syrvalley and is an extremely important Natura 2000 zone. The reserve is periodicly flooded due to the Syr river, which is an important generator of biodiversity.
Research area: Around 30ha are used for researche, on a length of 1km and a width of 30-120m. The main area is covered by reeds and wetlands (20ha). Furthermore, the resarch area is subdivided and caracterized by an orchard, a forest, several ponds distributed throughout the reedbed and a purification plant (SIAS). The main techniques employed are mist nets and rail traps in order to realize population estimates (i.e. breeding population, migration, overwintering population) and survival estimates by Capture-Mark-Recapture. There are several projects running in the nature reserve and visitation are possible.
In march, the bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" caught about 855 birds of 34 species. This number is subdivided in 581 E, 187 W and 87 K. None bird foreign origin has been caught.
The total amount of birds for the month is higher than the average amount of birds caught in february at the station. The graphic below shows the average amount of birds for each month during the years 2001-2014.
E: first capture of this individual
W: recapture of an individual which was already captured this year
K: individuals which were ringed one or more years ago or individuals with a foreign country or station
Top 5
1. | COCCOC | Hawfinch | 172 |
2. | PARCAE | Blue tit | 112 |
3. | ERIRUB | Robin | 74 |
4. | EMBSCH | Reed bunting | 73 |
5. | PARMAJ | Great tit | 61 |
Interesting birds captured:
First spring arrivals:
Species | Date |
Phylloscopus collybiata | 10.3 |
Phoenicurus ochruros | 24.3 |
Luscinia svecica | 25.3 |
Rallus aquaticus |
31.3 |
Sylvia atricapilla | 31.3 |
Distribution of the age:
Code | Amount | Definiton |
C | 5 | older than four years |
B | 10 | born four years ago |
A | 3 | older than three years |
9 | 13 | born three years ago |
8 | 10 | older than two years |
7 | 23 | born two years ago |
6 | 150 | older than one year |
5 | 298 | born last year |
4 | 341 | age unkown, but not born this year |
3 | / | born this year |
2 | 2 | age unknown |
1 | / | nestling |
Foreign birds that we controlled this year:
Month | Species | Country |
January | / | / |
February | Sturnus vulgaris | Beglium |
March | Phylloscopus collybita | Belgium |
Phylloscopus collybita | Belgium | |
Emberiza schoeniclus | France |
The team of the bird ringing station Schlammwiss are mostly volunteers who did an excellent work this month!
We say thank you for everyone who was helping this month!
In summary we spent around 46 hours during 9 days working at the station.
We also welcome the visitors on our station:
A recapitulation of our waterpipitproject this year
Thanks to the editiors of this report:
Charel Klein
Jim Schmitz, Cédric Brodin
This is a recapitulation of the waterpipit project this winter 2017/18. You can find more information about the project here.
In total, we caught 115 Anthus spinoletta this winter . This is the second highest number of this species capured at the birdringingstation "Schlammwiss" since 2000. The highest number was with 117 captures in 2015/16.
Grafic above: About 72,2% of the birds this winter were captured for the first time (E) and 15,7% are controlled birds that were ringed the years before (K). Furthermore, we recaptured 14 of those birds again this winter (W).
Grafic right: The majority of controlled birds (K) were ringed last winter 2016/17 and 2015/16. Furthermore, one individual was ringed 2013/14 and one 2012/13. This bird is older than five years.
In summary, we have spent about 12 hours ringing, plus several hours of working on the site.
Hannah K., one of the volunteers of the birdringingstation Schlammwiss and student at the Universität Trier, has recapitulated the first results of our breeding monitoring. The document (in German) summarizes the breeding year of 2017 and is available below by clicking on the documents.
We say thank you!
History: The nature reserve "Schlammwiss" was founded in 1982 by the foundation"Hellef fir Natur" (HFN). Afterwards the group "Letzeburger Natur- a Vullenschutzliga" (LNVL) founded the station "Schlammwiss". The station is leaded by the "centrale ornithologique Luxembourg" (COL), a part of the asbl. Natur & Emwelt. Due to the fact that Luxembourg doesn't have its own bird ringing central, we work in cooperation with Royal Belgian Instutitute of Natural Sciences. Therefore, we use rings from the Belgian Museum of Natural Sciences.
Location: The bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" is located in Luxembourg, between the communities Schuttrange & Munsbach. The nature reserve is part of the 375ha big Syrvalley and is an extremely important Natura 2000 zone. The reserve is periodicly flooded due to the Syr river, which is an important generator of biodiversity.
Research area: Around 30ha are used for researche, on a length of 1km and a width of 30-120m. The main area is covered by reeds and wetlands (20ha). Furthermore, the resarch area is subdivided and caracterized by an orchard, a forest, several ponds distributed throughout the reedbed and a purification plant (SIAS). The main techniques employed are mist nets and rail traps in order to realize population estimates (i.e. breeding population, migration, overwintering population) and survival estimates by Capture-Mark-Recapture. There are several projects running in the nature reserve and visitation are possible.
In february, the bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" caught about 621 birds of 25 species. This number is subdivided in 233 E, 128 W and 260 K. One bird foreign origin has been caught.
The total amount of birds for the month is higher than the average amount of birds caught in february at the station. The graphic below shows the average amount of birds for each month during the years 2001-2014.
E: first capture of this individual
W: recapture of an individual which was already captured this year
K: individuals which were ringed one or more years ago or individuals with a foreign country or station
Distribution of the age:
Code | Amount | Definiton |
C | 6 | older than four years |
B | 10 | at least three years old |
9 | 25 | born three years ago |
8 | 6 | older than two years |
7 | 31 | born two years ago |
6 | 56 | older than one year |
5 | 241 | born last year |
4 | 238 | age unkown, but not born this year |
3 | / | born this year |
2 | 3 | age unknown |
1 | / | nestling |
Foreign birds which we controlled this month:
Sepcies | Country |
STUVUL | Belgium |
The team of the bird ringing station Schlammwiss are mostly volunteers who did an excellent work this month!
We say thank you for everyone who was helping this month!
In summary we spent around 48 hours during 10 days working at the station.
We also welcome the visitors on our station:
Interesting observation
Species | Quantity | Max |
Alopochen aegyptiaca | 2 | |
Anas crecca | 6 | 4 |
Anthus spinoletta | 395 | 115 |
Ardea cinerea | 1 | |
Buteo buteo | 6 | |
Carduelis chloris | 20 | |
Carduelis spinus | 18 | 18 |
Cadmerodius albus | 11 | 5 |
Corvus corone | 2 | |
Emberiza schoeniclus | 25 | |
Erithacus rubecula | 2 | |
Falco tinnunculus |
5 | |
Fulica atra |
16 | 8 |
Gallinago gallinago | 4 | 2 |
Grus grus | 250 | 80 |
Pica pica | 75 | 55 |
Picus viridis | 3 | |
Rallus aquaticus | 6 | 4 |
Tachybaptus ruficollis | 19 | 6 |
Turdus viscivorus | 2 |
A recapitulation of our breeding monitoring 2017
by Hanna K.
Thanks to the editiors of this report:
Charel Klein, Jim Schmitz, Cédric Brodin, Max Steinmetz, Dave Lutgen
History: The nature reserve "Schlammwiss" was founded 1982 by the foundation"Hellef fir Natur" (HFN). Afterwards the group "Letzeburger Natur- a Vullenschutzliga" (LNVL) founded the station "Schlammwiss". The station is leaded by the "central ornithologique luxembourg" (COL), a part of the asbl. Natur & Emwelt. Due the fact that Luxembourg doesn't have it own bird ringing central, we're working in cooperation with Belgium. Therefore, Brussel aluminium rings of the Museum of Natural Science are used for the research in Luxembourg.
Location: The bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" is located in Luxembourg, between the communities Schuttrange & Munsbach. The nature reserve is part of the 375ha big Syrvalley and part of the zone Natura 2000. Through the research area flows the river Syr and affects it by periodic flooding.
Research area: Around 30ha is used for researches, on a length of 1km and a width of 30-120m. The main area is covered by reeds and wetlands (20ha). Furthermore, an orchards, a forest a several ponds in the wetland and of the purification plant (SIAS) is used. Mainly, mist nets and rail traps are used for the researches of the breeding population, resting birds and over wintering individuals. There are several projects running in the nature reserve and visitation are possible
The bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" caught about 459 birds and 22 species during this month. This number is subdivided in 160 E, 116 W and 183 K. In total we caught 0 birds with foreign rings.
This number is higher than the average of birds caught at the station. See the grafic below which shows the average number of bird of each months during the years 2001-2014.
Special bird this month:
E: first capture of this individual
W: recapture of an individual which was already captured this year
K: individuals which were ringed one or more years ago or individuals with a foreign country or station
Interesting birds:
Code | Amount | Definiton |
C | 5 | older than four years |
B | 6 | at least three years old |
9 | 19 | born three years ago |
8 | 3 | older than two years |
7 | 24 | born two years ago |
6 | 28 | older than one year |
5 | 285 | born last year |
4 | 85 | age unkown, but not born this year |
3 | / | born this year |
2 | 4 | age unknown |
1 | / | nestling |
The team of the bird ringing station Schlammwiss are mostly volunteers who did an excellent work this month!
We say thank you for everyone who was helping this month!
In summary we were spending around 25 hours during 6 days working at the station.
We also welcome the visitors on our station:
Interesting observation
Species | Quantity |
Anas crecca | 4 |
Casmerodius albus | 3 |
Corvus frugilegus | 10 |
Falco tinnunculus | 1 |
Fulica atra | 1 |
Picus viridis | 1 |
Tachybaptus ruficollis | 1 |
Thanks to the editiors of this report:
Charel Klein, Jim Schmitz, Cédric Brodin, Dave Lutgen, Max Steinmetz
We have created a new Newsletter to share all the new information of the birdringing station Schlammwiss with you!
Interested? Subscribe!
The nature reserve 'Schlammwiss', a vast wetland in Eastern Luxembourg, represents an important breeding, migratory and overwintering area for many bird species in midst of the densely populated country. It is part of the natura 2000 and nationally classified as nature reserve.
Music (royalty free): Johannes Bornlöf - Dream of us 3
Max Steinmetz - director
Dave Lutgen - executive camera man
Erik Kraus - rowing boat asisstant
Claude Kraus - helicopter pilot
The birdringing station Schlammwiss wish you all happy new year!
Hey dear Birders and Ringers,
Since I have now been here at the bird observatory in Ottenby, Sweden for nearly one month and had an interesting and funny time, I wanted to share a bit of my experience with you.
The observatory itself is situated on the most southern tip of the island Öland on the eastern coast of Sweden. The island is shaped by extensive cultural landscape and plays an important role as breeding location for many agricultural bird species such as Montagu’s Harriers or Barred Warblers. Following the Swedish eastern coastline southwards, migrating birds from northern and central Scandinavia are gathering every year on this cape to stop and forage to do the big step over the east Sea. That is what makes it a excellent place to study bird migration, from goldcrests to sparrow hawks …
Regarding the actual bird catching, the observatory has been running a standardized program running with usual mist nets and Helgoland traps since 1946. The results of this long study are very interesting and meaningful especially concerning population fluctuations of diverse bird species. Apart from the standardised program during the mornings, waders are caught in traps along the shoreline (dunlins, knots, ringed plovers, curlew sandpipers, little stints etc.) until the end of August, raptors such as rough-legged and common buzzards in traps and Tengmalm’s and long-eared owls, different duck and gull species during the night.
Over the last weeks, migration has been constantly increasing, we had until now one day with over 600 catches per day. The catching rate is however strongly depending on the actual weather situation on the cape or in the region. Common species caught are among others robins, goldcrests, willow warblers, chiffchaffs, blue and great tits, pied and spotted flycatchers, sedge warblers, lesser and common whitethroats, blackcaps, white and yellow wagtails, song thrushes and sparrow hawks. However the composition was of course constantly changing over the last weeks. Quite rare catches were so far a merlin, a grey partridge, red-breasted flycatchers, yellow-browed warblers, one dusky warbler and a little bunting.
Time here is passing quite fast since there is a regular daily routine. Nonetheless the good atmosphere within the ringing team, the awesome Swedish food (coffee and cake seriously every day), the variation of bird species and last but not least the special landscape around the cape makes every moment special.
I am really looking forward to the next 3 weeks when migration is increasing, to see some more new species especially northern birds like common redpolls or lapland buntings and maybe one or the other surprise. I am grateful for the experience so far and the knowledge which is generously and professionally passed on. Ett stort tack till Ottenby fågelstation! A lot of knowledge and information regarding bird sex/age identification, scientifical work or just about the daily ringing is also shared on the bird observatory’s homepage http://birdlife.se/ottenbyfagelstation/start/ !
Pictures may tell more than words … (wow that sounded cheesy) Of course I would really recommend visiting the place to anyone who can distinguish between a robin and a red breasted flycatcher !
Greetings from Ottenby!
The new report about birdringing in Luxembourg (in german) from COL is online!
Interesting general information, recaptures from other countries and a total list of all the birds ringed.
The birdringingstation 'Schlammwiss' will organize a guided tour on Saturday the 11.6.2016.
The focus will lay on breeding birds in the nature reserve, nest boxes and everything you need to know about breeding birds. Sign in if you are interested to join the guided tour.
More information about this an other activities.
The scouts group "Echternoacher Quaichleken" visited the birdringingstation 'Schlammwiss' the 24. March.
They visited the nature reserve, had closer view how birds get their metal ring and what we can do with this data.
After the long morning they enjoyed a barbecue near our chalet.
You can read their report (LUX) below.
If you're interested for visit too - contact us
On the 10 April 2016, one of our ringers was in the reserve when he made a very interesting observation of a putative Crag Martin (Ptyonoprogne rupestris).
The bird was seen flying from SW to NE over the reserve. The identification was based on several criteria and past experiences of the ringer observing the bird. The criteria were flying jizz of the bird, squarish tail, white spots on tail, dark under wing coverts, dark undertail coverts amongst others.
If accepted by the rarities committee of luxembourg this would be the first ever sighting of this species in the country. Well done to our team for the sharp eyes!
Journée en pleine nature <<Vallée de la syre>>
Les CFL, la ferme pédagogique A SCHMATTEN et la Fondation Hëllef fir d’Natur vous invitent en date du 29 juin et 08 juillet 2016 à un programme varié autour du thème de la nature dans la vallée de la Syre!
Faites votre choix, nous nous occupons des activités sur place et de vos déplacements.
(Offre limitée à 80 enfants par journée)
We'll start with a new project in March to collect data about bird migration in March, migration peaks of different species, different migration patterns depending on sex, age and if repeated yearly – about population size or fluctuations.
by Max S.
We started the first with ringing activity this year. Our trainees had enough time to learn more about the identification of birds and to improve their skills.
Furthermore we started with the first ringing activity for our waterpipit project.
In total we ringed 18 birds (all males).
Unfortunately we found no GPS.
On Saturday we had the first 'fit by nature' activity for this year! 14 motivated volunteers helped out to clean our orchard and to start a fire. Furthermore we installed boxes for the little owl (Athene noctua). For lunch we profit from the fireplace and started a delicious barbecue.
Thanks for your help!
Like every year we were organizing a new year meeting and invited all members to join us! We had a look about the year 2015, presented the plans for 2016, our new page and watched the photos of 2015. After the presentation we enjoyed our dinner.
Thanks to everyone for coming!
This report will focus on three month (May; June; July). As we had technical problems with our computer program, we did not manage to continue the monthly reports. The main issue of this report will be the monitoring of the local breeding birds and the first migrant species.
Over the three month period, we ringed 5.329 birds. Within these birds we had 4.349 first captures, 781 recaptures (birds ringed this year) and 199 control captures (birds ringed another year or at a foreign bird ringing station).
The main species during the monitoring were, the Reed (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) and Marsh Warbler (Acrocephalus palustris) and the Grasshopper Warbler (Locustella naevia).
Codes | First capture (e) | Recapture (w) | Control capture (k) |
Reed Warbler | 624 | 110 | 27 |
Marsh Warbler | 200 | 171 | 45 |
Grasshoper Warbler | 54 | 17 | 3 |
The uncommon species during the breeding bird monitoring were three Melodious Warbler (Hippolais polyglotta), one ad. female and one juv. European pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca), an ad. female Green Woodpecker (Picus viridis) and one juv. Long-eared owl (Asio otus).
Usually the first migrants arrive around the 15th of July. The first migrants to arrive are either species taking the eastern migratory way, Marsh Warbler (Acrocephalus palustris), Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio) or lesser withethroat (Sylvia curruca), or species which start their migration quite early as the Sedge Warbler (Acrocephalus schoenabaenus) or the Great Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus).
Another interesting species was an immature Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus).
The most interesting species for this three month period was an adult Blyth’s Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus dumetorum), which stayed singing from the 27th of June until the 9th of July. It was the second time for this species to be recorded in Luxemburg. The bird was captured twice, once on the 28th of June and a second time on the 6th of July.
During the three month period we had two people working daily on the ringing station, furthermore we had several school classes coming to visit the ringing station.
Thanks as usual to the team for the effort they make in our station .
Autor: Dave Lutgen
Other activitys:
Visit of our members from the Schlammwissteam:
Visiting the arctic was always one of my childhood dreams.
This summer, I had the great opportunity to join scientists who visit Greenland every year as part of a long term project. We worked on a long term study on lemming cycles in North-East Greenland. With three other people, from France, Germany and Switzerland, we spent 2 weeks in the biggest national park of the world. The project is carried out in the Karupelv Valley (72.30 N; 24 W). With 3542 km2 the island of Traill is bigger than the surface area of Luxembourg (2586 km2).
The main work to carry out was to observe Sanderlings nests (Calidris alba) of which we find the first pairs in the area. We had to visit the nests every second day, mark the colour code of the adults, check if they got predated or not, ring the chicks when they start to run around in the tundra and to collect the tiny tags from under the sanderlings' nests after they finished breeding.
We had to also check the population of predators in the research area. Therefore we visited the old burrows of Arctic foxes (Vulpes lagopus) and counted the number of Long-tailed Skuas (Stercorarius longicaudus), Parasitic Jaeger (Stercorarius parasiticus), Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus) and Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus). Futhermore we searched chicks of Long-tailed Skuas to get some feather samples for an isotope research.
In two weeks we hiked about 200 km and checked all the important points in the research area. We slept in tents and spend our time eating and chatting in an old trapper hut from the thirties. Our shower was the whole Kong Oscar Fjord with Icebergs and as toilet we had to ditch a hole near a streamlet. We used flowing water from glacier and snow water to drink or cook and eat trekking food from cans (some from 2005 !!!). During the time in Greenland we had 24h light and between 0-15°C. The number of midgets was incredible and torturing! not even comparable with the deep jungles.
I was very happy of the different bird species that I have seen up here, the beautiful flora and all the big mammals like Arctic foxes (Vulpes lagopus), Musk ox (Ovibos moschatus), Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus) and seals.
Already since two years one of our members of the Birdringingstation 'Schlammwiss' is working together with Christian Stange at Kaiserstuhl / Freiburg. During the autumn and winter the main work is the maintenance of the biotopes. For spring they start to control the nest boxes of little owls (Athene noctua) and hoopoes (Upua epopos) and to ring the juveniles.
This year they checked the area around Ihringen and controlled about 12 nest boxes of hoopoes and 1 box of the little owl.
Most of the hoopoes started already with the second brood. So most of the nest boxes which are inside of a vineyard cabin were empty or with eggs. We checked the empty boxes if any birds breed inside and checked what happen with the juveniles (Are we too late and they flew out? Did something happen? Did they breed?). We also checked the nest boxes around the vineyard cabin which are against the breeding pressure to see which birds used it.
To check if something is inside of the box we checked the ground in front of the hole for faeces and smell on the hole to determine the present of juveniles (>> penetrate smell for the defence of the juveniles against predators like the beech marten (Martes foina)). We also check for marks on the hole to see if a beech marten already tried to get in. Than we close the hole and go inside of the cabin to get the juveniles. Before we open the box we shine with a light inside of the box to see if there are juveniles or the female with eggs. Inside of the box we check the condition of the nest box and have a look if we can find some remains of their food.
We had only two nest boxes with juveniles which had the right size to ring. More than the half of the boxes had only eggs which mean that the hoopoe started with the second brood.
We also we checked a nets box of the little owl which was impossible for Christian to check earlier. We found one juvenile inside of the box and another one outside in a natural hole.
Same as the population of hoopoe Christian Stange is also responsible for the little owl population at Kaiserstuhl. Both species need the same area and conditions to live. For the moment there are about 56 pairs with 160 juveniles at Kaiserstuhl.
To the end we installed a new nest box for the scops owl (Otus scops) which has been seen and hearing a bunch of times at this area.
Autor: Charel Klein
The Hoopoe (Upupa epops) breeding habitat was in good condition before forestry management started in Central Europe.
The Hoopoe had ideal conditions to breed with orchards, meadows, wooded vineyards and open forests. The main distribution of this bird was from the south to the east of Europe.
With the beginning of forestation of nutrient-poor soil in the 19th century, many biotopes disappeared. It declined in the 20th century with the growing livestock farming and the draining of meadows. Furthermore, the meadows became bigger because farmers started to use mineral fertilizer and liquid manure to fertilise the new fields. Fast growing grass needed to get mowed fast and this activity destroyed the foraging grounds of Hoopoes. Also, the use of insecticides in the fields, polluted the soil Eventually the insects that Hoopoes feed on and fed the chicks on created abnormalities in the eggs and health of the birds, this happened mainly in the 1960's.
Not only the insecticides where having negative effects on Hoopoe populations, but also the breeding grounds of the Hoopoe was changing. The hoopoe is a cavity breeder and needs holes in big trees and in walls. Old fruit trees and big thick willows which are good breeding places for this bird were removed from the landscape. The destruction of orchards and the change in which fruit trees were managed from low-stem trees to high-stem trees left no cavities in trees where Hoopoe can breed.
Only few pairs of Hoopoe survived in Rheinland-Pfalz till the 1980's. All of them used holes in walls to breed instead of trees. Although more than 100 pairs of Green woodpeckers (Picus vidris) were drilling nesting holes in trees still the Hoopoes were not utilising these cavities.
Due to a very successful Hoopoe protection project in Rheinland-Pfalz, Christian Stange started with NABU and BUND to build wood boxes on trees at Kaiserstuhl. However, the competition for the Hoopoe was tough with other cavity breeders like starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), great tits (Parus major), tree sparrows (Passer montanus), hornets (Vespa), wesps (Vespinae) and bees (Apiformes) were also using these wooden nest boxes.
In 1986 the team started to build the wooden nestboxes inside cabins in vineyards. The team had a huge success! In 1980 they had the first brood of Hoopoes. They started to create a symmetric net system of 140 nest boxes on 41,6km2 vineyards in Kaiserstuhl. (+60 breeding boxes between Tuniberg and the Black Forest). Next to the breeding cabins they installed other small nest boxes for other birds to breed in to avoid competition .
With success!
Year |
Pairs |
1993 |
6 |
2002 | 25 |
2012 | 105 |
In all this years, most of the Hoopoes used these nest boxes. Just a few Hoopoes used Little Owl (Athene noctua) nest boxes and only one pair used a natural hole made by a Green Woodpecker in a fruit tree.
However, to save the Hoopoe population for a longer period of time, not only the breeding habitat has to improve but also the biotope! Therefore they started to reuse the old orchards and bought or rent the most important old orchards areas in Kaiserstuhl. The biotope gets used again and the mowed grass got removed. They also planted more than 500 new fruit trees and intentionally created cavities in old trees to create natural nesting holes for Hoopoes.
Not only this protection project by Christian Stange, NABU and BUND helped the hoopoe population, it also helped the overall management of the vineyards. In the 1980's, the vinegrowers started to leave the passages between the vines and vineyards green. This was really of benefit for the hoopoes as it created suitable feeding grounds. Before 1980, the vinegrowers ploughed the soil between the vines and this did not give any chance to insects and other invertebrates to flourish. The most important prey for the hoopoes in Kaiserstuhl is: mole crickets (Gryllotalpidae), caterpillars of owlet moths (Noctuidae), scarabs of cockchafer (Melolontha) and summer chafer (Amphimallon). All this prey is perfect food for the hoopoes and allow them to have two broods a year!
Because most of the vineyards in Central Europe have the same type of vine cultivation methods, there is a possibility that other organisations or persons can try similar projects with probable success in other countries or regions of Central Europe. Beside projects in Baden-Württemberg (Germany) other similar projects started in Elsass (France), Switzerland and Austria.
Furthermore it is very important for a project of this size to have good support! Without the help of volunteers, NABU or BUND for the tree-cutting work, the maintenance and management of the biotope as well as the financial support, it would have been impossible that this project will be successful as it is.
This article is writing in comperation with Christian Stange
Autor: Charel Klein
Three members of our Schlammwiss Team (Dave, Charel and Max) visited the Federsee lake in southwestern Germany the 26th and 27th of May. The lake itself is surrounded by a spectacular reed belt and vast moorland, the water surface itself, which is only about 2 meters deep, is only accessible by a 1,5 km long wooden boardwalk. Since the area is an important hibernating, resting and breeding site for many bird species among others 200 breeding pairs of Whinchats and 18 breeding pairs of Marsh harriers (according Nabu 2014), it has been declared a Special Protection Area.
We’ve seen lots of interesting species, some well known as Reed Warblers, Savi’s Warblers, Great Reed Warblers and Reed Buntings, rather uncommon species such as Whinchats, Common Terns, Ruffs and marsh harriers. Furthermore we were quite lucky to observe rare migrants such as six female red-footed falcons and one Arctic Tern!
All in all it was a perfect Weekend despite of rain and I strongly recommend visiting the spot!
Autor: Max Steimetz
With upcoming conflicts of wild boars around protected areas such as the core zones of the biosphere reserve ‘Schwäbische Alb’, the research centre for wildlife at Aulendorf has launched a project to study its ecology and behaviour more closely. One part of the research project is to determine the influence of its activity on important bird species such as woodlarks and its habitat preference. The main observations are taking place at the former military training field at Münsingen, which is part of the biosphere reserve.
Populations of woodlark across Europe have been in decline, with habitat loss in favour to agricultural land as major cause. However, agricultural development and intensification has not been affecting landscape and wildlife at the former training field here in Münsingen and periodic training manoeuvres didn’t seem to have bothered the local woodlark population during the last century. The right mix of habitat structures such as sparse vegetation with areas of bare or disturbed ground for foraging, patches of longer grass which provides cover and the vicinity of woodland for song perches or security is commonly found here. Nowadays the maintenance of an open landscape here is largely due to sheep grazing, but also wildlife such as roe deers, wild boars and hares do their share.
Apart from woodlarks, one can see a vast abundance of common bird species like red kites Milvus milvus, European pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca and European stonechats Saxicola rubicola and furthermore rarities such as whinchats Saxicola rubetra and northern wheatears Oenanthe oenanthe.
My objective for the next two months will be to determine whether rooted patches created by wild boar are frequently used by woodlarks and form important feeding grounds, especially during the breeding season. And as a secondary goal, I will be detecting habitat preferences and collecting information about the breeding territories.
Since the beginning of April, I started observing woodlarks and am really looking forward to gain first results.
I strongly recommend visiting the biosphere reserve and especially the former training fields here at Münsingen to all nature and biodiversity lovers!
Yours sincerely,
Max Steinmetz
In May 3 members of the schlammwiss team (Joseph D, Raoul M and Charel K.) went to Turkey for 11 days. Turkey was our choice because (like the most ornithologists) some of the team have a list of birds they've in the Western Palartic and they had some missing in the eastern part.
We started our trip in Antalya and drove until the Lake Van. For the new and dangerous parts (Göksu Delta, Camardi, Osmanyie, Birecik, Syrian border + desert, Nemrut Dagi) we had the Faroese man Silas O. as guide with us. He knew a lot about the areas, birds and culture. We enjoyed the time with him and learned a lot about the culture and country!
Most of the time we drove the car to find new birds and to get new photos. We started at sunrise and went back to the hotel as sun set (everyday a different hotel in another city).
In summary it was a great birding trip with 237 birds (see list below) and beautiful landscapes! (click to see all the photos)
Autor: Charel Klein
Latin |
English |
1. |
Tadorna ferruginea |
Ruddy Shelduck |
2. |
Anas platyrhynchos |
Mallard |
3. |
Anas querquedula |
Garganey |
4. |
Aythya ferina |
Common Pochard |
5. |
Netta rufina |
Red-crested Pochard |
6. |
Aythya nyroca |
Ferruginous Duck |
7. |
Aythya fuligula |
Tufted Duck |
8. |
Oxyura leucocephala |
White-headed Duck |
9. |
Tetraogallus caspius |
Caspian Snowcock |
10. |
Francolinus francolinus |
Black Francolin |
11. |
Alectoris chuckar |
Chukar Partridge |
12. |
Ammoperdix griseogularis |
See-see Partridge |
13. |
Coturnix coturnix |
Common Quail |
14. |
Crex crex |
Corn Crake |
15. |
Tachybaptus ruficollis |
Little Grebe |
16. |
Podiceps cristatus |
Great Crested Grebe |
17. |
Pelecanus onocrotalus |
Great White Pelican |
18. |
Phalacrocorax carbo |
Great Cormorant |
19. |
Phalacrocorax pygmeus |
Pygmy Cormorant |
20. |
Botaurus stellaris |
Eurasian Bittern |
21. |
Ixobrychus minutus |
Little Bittern |
22. |
Nycticorax nycticorax |
Black-crowned Night Heron |
23. |
Bubulucus ibis |
Cattle Egret |
24. |
Ardeola ralloides |
Squacco Heron |
25. |
Egretta garzetta |
Little Egret |
26. |
Casmerodius albus |
Great Egret |
27. |
Ardea cinera |
Grey Heron |
28. |
Ardea purpurea |
Purple Heron |
29. |
Ciconia ciconia |
White Stork |
30. |
Plegadis falcinellus |
Glossy Ibis |
31. |
Geronticus eremita |
Northern Bald Ibis |
32. |
Gypaetus barbatus |
Bearded Vulture |
33. |
Gyps fulvus |
Griffon Vulture |
34. |
Aegypius monachus |
Cinereous Vulture |
35. |
Neophron percnopterus |
Egyptian Vulture |
36. |
Pandion haliaetus |
Osprey |
37. |
Aquila chrysaetos |
Golden Eagle |
38. |
Aquila pomarina |
Lesser Spotted Eagle |
39. |
Aquila nipalensis |
Steppe Eagle |
40. |
Circaetus gallicus |
Short-toed Eagle |
41. |
Circus aeruginosus |
Western Marsh Harrier |
42. |
Circus pygargus |
Montagu's Harrier |
43. |
Circus macrourus |
Pallid Harrier |
44. |
Buteo rufinus |
Long-legged Buzzard |
45. |
Buteo buteo |
Subspecies: vulpinus |
Steppe Buzzard |
46. |
Pernis apivorus |
European Honey Buzzard |
47. |
Accipiter nisus |
Eurasian Sparrowhawk |
48. |
Accipiter gentilis |
Northern Goshawk |
49. |
Accipiter brevipes |
Levant Sparrowhawk |
50. |
Falco tinnunculus |
Common Kestrel |
51. |
Falco naunmanni |
Lesser Kestrel |
52. |
Falco subbuteo |
Eurasian Hobby |
53. |
Falco eleonorae |
Eleonora's Falcon |
54. |
Falco peregrinus |
Peregrine Falcon |
55. |
Falco cherrug |
Saker Falcon |
56. |
Falco columbarius |
Merlin |
57. |
Rallus aquaticus |
Water Rail |
58. |
Gallinula chloropus |
Common Moorhen |
59. |
Fulica atra |
Eurasian Coot |
60. |
Recurvirostra avosetta |
Pied Avocet |
61. |
Himantopus himantopus |
Black-winged Stilt |
62. |
Burhinus oedicnemus |
Eurasian Stone-curlew |
63. |
Glareola pratincola |
Collared Pratincole |
64. |
Charadrius dubius |
Little Ringed Plover |
65. |
Charadrius hiaticula |
Common Ringed Plover |
66. |
Charadrius alexandrinus |
Kentish Plover |
67. |
Charadrius leschenaultii |
Greater Sand Plover |
68. |
Pluvialis squatarola |
Grey Plover |
69. |
Vanellus vanellus |
Northern Lapwing |
70. |
Vanellus spinosus |
Spur-winged Lapwing |
71. |
Calidris ferruginea |
Curlew Sandpiper |
72. |
Calidris temminckii |
Temminck's Stint |
73. |
Calidris minuta |
Little Stint |
74. |
Tringa glareola |
Wood Sandpiper |
75. |
Actitis hypoleucos |
Common Sandpiper |
76. |
Tringa totanus |
Common Redshank |
77. |
Tringa nebularia |
Common Greenshank |
78. |
Tringa stagnatilis |
Marsh Sandpiper |
79. |
Limosa lapponica |
Bar-tailed Godwit |
80. |
Numenius arquat |
Eurasian Curlew |
81. |
Numenius phaeopus |
Whimbrel |
82. |
Gallinago gallinago |
Common Snipe |
83. |
Philomachus pugnax |
Ruff |
84. |
Chroicocephalus ridibundus |
Black-headed Gull |
85. |
Chroicocephalus genei |
Slender-billed Gull |
86. |
Larus melanocephalus |
Mediterranean Gull |
87. |
Larus michahellis |
Yellow-legged Gull |
88. |
Larus armenicus |
Armenian Gull |
89. |
Larus fuscus |
Lesser Black-backed Gull |
Subspecies: fuscus |
Blatic Gull |
Subspecies: heuglini |
Heuglin's Gull |
90. |
Sternula albifrons |
Little Tern |
91. |
Thalasseus sandvicensis |
Sandwich Tern |
92. |
Sterna hirundo |
Common Tern |
93. |
Chlidonias niger |
Black Tern |
94. |
Chlidonias leucopterus |
White-winged Tern |
95. |
Chlidonias hybrida |
Whiskered Tern |
96. |
Columba livia |
Common Pigeon |
97. |
Columba livia f. domestica |
Feral Pigeon |
98. |
Columba oenas |
Stock Dove |
99. |
Columba palumbus |
Common Wood Pigeon |
100. |
Streptopelia decaocto |
Eurasian Collared Dove |
101. |
Streptopelia turtur |
European Turtle Dove |
102. |
Stretopelia senegalensis |
Laughing Dove |
103. |
Cuculus canorus |
Common Cuckoo |
104. |
Bubo zeylonensis |
Brown Fish Owl |
105. |
Strix aluco |
Tawny Owl |
106. |
Athene noctua |
Little Owl |
Subspecies: indigena |
Subspecies: lillith |
107. |
Otus scops |
Eurasian Scops Owl |
108. |
Otus brucei |
Pallid Scops Owl |
109. |
Apus apus |
Common Swift |
110. |
Apus pallidus |
Pallid Swift |
111. |
Tachymarptis melba |
Alpine Swift |
112. |
Apus affinis |
Little Swift |
113. |
Upupa epops |
Eurasian Hoopoe |
114. |
Halcyon smyrensis |
White-throate Kingfisher |
115. |
Ceryle rudis |
Pied Kingfisher |
116. |
Merops apiaster |
European Bee-eater |
117. |
Merops persicus |
Blue-cheeked Bee-eater |
118. |
Coracias garrulus |
European Roller |
119. |
Dendrocopus syriacus |
Syrian Woodpecker |
120. |
Dendrocopos medius |
Middle Spotted Woodpecker |
121. |
Alauda arvensis |
Eurasian Skylark |
122. |
Galerida cristata |
Crested Lark |
123. |
Lullula arborea |
Woodlark |
124. |
Calandrella brachydactyla |
Greater Short-toed Lark |
125. |
Calandrella rufescens |
Lesser Short-toed Lark |
126. |
Melanocorypha calandra |
Calandra Lark |
127. |
Melanocorypha bimaculata |
Bimaculated Lark |
128. | Eremophila alpestris |
Horned Lark |
Subspecies: penicillata |
Subspecies: flava |
129. |
Riparia riparia |
Sand Martin |
130. |
Ptyonoprogne rupestris |
Eurasian Crag Martin |
131. |
Hirundo rustica |
Barn Swallow |
132. |
Ceropis daurica |
Red-rumped Swallow |
133. |
Delichon urbicum |
Common House Martin |
134. |
Anthus spinoletta |
Water Pipit |
Subspecies: coutellii |
135. |
Anthus campestris |
Tawny Pipit |
136. |
Anthus pratensis |
Meadow Pipit |
137. |
Anthus cervinus |
Red-throated Pipit |
138. |
Motacilla alba |
White Wagtail |
139. |
Motacilla flava |
Subspecies: feldegg |
Black-headed Wagtail |
140. |
Cinclus cinclus |
White-throated Dipper |
141. |
Prunella collaris |
Alpine Accentor |
142. |
Prunella ocularis |
Radde's Accentor |
143. |
Luscinia megahynchos |
Common Nightingale |
144. |
Cercotrichas galactotes |
Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin |
145. |
Irania gutturalis |
White-throated Robin |
146. |
Phoenicurus phoenicurus |
Common Redstart |
Subspecies: samamisicus |
147. |
Phoenicurus ochruros |
Black Redstart |
Subspecies: semirufus |
148. |
Oenanthe oenanthe |
Northern Wheatear |
149. |
Oenanthe isabellina |
Isabelline Wheatear |
150. |
Oenanthe hispanica |
Subspecies: melanoleuca |
Eastern Black-eared Wheatear |
151. |
Oenanthe pleschanka |
Pied Wheatear |
152. |
Oenanthe finschii |
Finsch's Wheatear |
153. |
Oenanthe xanthoprymna |
Kurdistan Wheatear |
154. |
Saxicola rubetra |
Whinchat |
155. |
Saxicola torquatus |
European Stonechat |
Subspecies: maurus ...? |
156. |
Turdus viscivorus |
Mistle Thrush |
157. |
Turdus merula |
Common Blackbird |
158. |
Monticola solitarius |
Blue Rock Thrush |
159. |
Monticola saxatilis |
Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush |
160. |
Prinia gracilis |
Graceful Prinia |
161. |
Sylvia nisoria |
Barred Warbler |
162. |
Sylvia borin |
Garden Warbler |
163. |
Sylvia atricapilla |
Eurasian Blackcap |
164. |
Sylvia communis |
Common Whitethroat |
165. |
Sylvia curruca |
Lesser Whitethroat |
166. |
Sylvia crassirostris |
Eastern Orphean Warbler |
167. |
Sylvia melanocephala |
Sardinian Warbler |
Subspecies: melanocephala |
168. |
Sylvia mystacea |
Ménétries's Warbler |
169. |
Sylvia rueppelli |
Rüppell's Warbler |
170. |
Acrocephalus schoenobaenus |
Sedge Warbler |
171. |
Acrocephalus melanopogon |
Moustached Warbler |
172. |
Cettia cetti |
Cetti's Warbler |
173. |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus |
European Reed Warbler |
174. |
Acrocephalus palustris |
Marsh Warbler |
175. |
Acrocephalus agricola |
Paddyfield Warbler |
176. |
Acrocephalus arundinaceus |
Great Reed Warbler |
177. |
Hippolais icterina |
Icterine Warbler |
178. |
Hippolais olivetorum |
Olive-tree Warbler |
179. |
Hippolais languida |
Upcher's Warbler |
180. |
Iduna pallida |
Eastern Olivaceous Warbler |
181. |
Phylloscopus trochilus |
Willow Warbler |
182. |
Phylloscopus orientalis |
Eastern Bonelli's Warbler |
183. |
Regulus regulus |
Goldcrest |
184. |
Troglodytes troglodytes |
Eurasian Wren |
185. |
Muscicapa striata |
Spotted Flycatcher |
186. |
Parus major |
Great Tit |
187. |
Periparus ater |
Coal Tit |
188. |
Cyanistes caeruleus |
Eurasian Blue Tit |
189. |
Poecile lugubris |
Sombre Tit |
190. |
Aegithalos caudatus |
Long-tailed Tit |
Subspecies: alpinus |
191. |
Panurus biarmicus |
Bearded Reedling |
192. |
Sitta krueperi |
Krüper's Nuthatch |
193. |
Sitta neumayer |
Western Rock Nuthatch |
194. |
Sitta tephronota |
Eastern Rock Nuthatch |
195. |
Tichodroma muraria |
Wallcreeper |
196. |
Lanius minor |
Lesser Grey Shrike |
197. |
Lanius collurio |
Red-backed Shirke |
198. |
Lanius senator |
Woodchat Shrike |
199. |
Lanius nubicus |
Masked Shrike |
200. |
Pyconotus xanthopygos |
White-spectacled Bulbul |
201. |
Turdoides altirostris |
Iraq Babbler |
202. |
Pica pica |
Eurasian Magpie |
203. |
Garrulus glandarius |
Eurasian Jay |
Subspecies: atricapillus |
204. |
Corvus monedula |
Western Jackdaw |
Subspecies: soemmerringii |
205. |
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax |
Red-billed Cough |
206. |
Pyrrhocorax garulus |
Alpine Chough |
207. |
Corvus frugilegus |
Rook |
208. |
Corvus cornix |
Hooded Crow |
209. |
Corvus corax |
Northern Raven |
210. |
Sturnus vulgaris |
Common Starling |
211. |
Oriolus oriolus |
Eurasian Golden Oriole |
212. |
Passer domesticus |
House Sparrow |
213. |
Passer hispaniolensis |
Spanish Sparrow |
214. |
Passer montanus |
Tree Sparrow |
215. |
Passer moabiticus |
Dead Sea Sparrow |
216. |
Petronia petronia |
Common Rock Sparrow |
217. |
Carpospiza brachydactyla |
Pale Rock Sparrow |
218. |
Gymnoris xanthocollis |
Yellow-throated Sparrow |
219. |
Montifringilla nivalis |
White-winged Snowfinch |
220. |
Fringilla coelebs |
Common Chaffinch |
221. |
Carduelis cannabina |
Common Linnet |
Subspecies: bella |
222. |
Carduelis carduelis |
European Goldfinch |
223. |
Carduleis chloris |
European Greenfinch |
224. |
Carduelis spinus |
Eurasian Siskin |
225. |
Serinus serinus |
European Serin |
226. |
Serinus pusillus |
Red-fronted Serin |
227. |
Bucanetes mongolicus |
Mongolian Finch |
228. |
Rhodopechys sanguineus |
Crimson-winged Finch |
229. |
Rhodospiza obsoleta |
Desert Finch |
230. |
Emberiza schoeniclus |
Common Reed Bunting |
Subspecies: reiseri, caspia |
231. |
Emberiza hortulana |
Ortolan Bunting |
232. |
Emberiza caesia |
Cretzschmar's Bunting |
233. |
Emberiza buchanani |
Grey-necked Bunting |
234. |
Emberiza cineracea |
Cinereous Bunting |
Subspecies: cineracea |
Subspecies: semenowi |
235. |
Emberiza melanocphala |
Black-headed Bunting |
236. |
Emberiza calandra |
Corn Bunting |
237. |
Emberiza cia |
Rock Bunting |
We got a Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) this morning, this species is a first for the Birdringingstation 'Schlammwiss'
Ringing in April is comparable to the weather situation in April, this means that there is a mixture of sunny, foggy and very rainy days. Usually migration is very similar, a great diversity of species can be detected.
Ringing in April is comparable to the weather situation in April, this means that there is a mixture of sunny, foggy and very rainy days. Usually migration is very similar, a great diversity of species can be detected.
All in all in the Month of April we caught 647 birds, from which 435 were first captures, 133 recaptures from 2015 and 79 control captures birds not ringed in 2015. The diversity with 51 different species is very good for the Month of April.
Typical birds for the Month of April have been the first Reed and Bush Warbler species: Sedge Warbler (Acrocephalus schoenabaenus), Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus), Savi's warbler (Locustella luscinioides) and Grasshopper Warbler (Locustella naevia). Furthermore we caught the first Bluethroat (Luscinia svecica), the first Nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos) and a spotted crake (Porzana porzana).
From a migrational point of view most of the birds have been Blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) with 153 individuals. During the first two weeks of April migration was still low with an increasing diversity and the last two weeks were marked some very interesting captures: 2cy male Whinchat (Saxicola rubetra), the first Wyrneck (Jynx torquilla) and a very early Common Redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus).
This month special has definitely been the Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) which was a first for the Ringing station.
Thanks as usual to the team for the effort they make in our station .
Other activitys:
Visit's done by members of the Schlammwissteam:
After two bad seasons in 2013 and 2014, we accompanied this year two experienced ornithologists who controlled nestboxes of Tengmalm’s Owl (Aegolius funereus) in a forest of the Hunsrück in Rhineland-Palatinate. Because of the good food supply this year, the Tengmalm’s owl is likely to experience a better breeding season. This nocturne species has a body height of only 24-26 cm and it primarily subsists on small rodents such as mice. Its habitat consists of low mountain ranges between 450 m and 800 m above sea-level. The Tengmalm’s owl mainly prefers coniferous forests mixed with leaf trees including old nesting holes of the Black Woodpecker. Unfortunately, the brood of the Tengmalm’s owl is threatened by martens which climb up trees and eat their clutches.
Depending on the weather conditions, the females generally start breeding in April. A few chicks had hatched already when the ringer checked the nestboxes. In this ringing session only the females were ringed. A recapture of a female or a nest-ringed young owl is rare but there are already a few recaptures of Tengmalm’s owl in Belgium. They hatched and were ringed in the region Eifel, which shows that this owl species migrates between different low mountain ranges.
Ringing this month was definately marked by the progress of the ongoing Water Pipit Project, in total 50 Water Pipits (Anthus spinoletta) were captured, 40 new and 10 recaptures. Some of the recaptures have been wintering every year in the reserve for the last 4 or 5 years at least!. You can follow the progress of this project on Schlammwiss website. (click for more information)
In total, 435 birds were ringed and recaptured of 32 species. It was a good month compared to other years and as usual more spring migrants show up the first time during this month.
Some of these are White Wagtail (Motacilla alba), Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla), Stonechat (Saxicola rubicola) (2 birds ringed and recaptures from each). 1 Skylark (Alauda arvensis) and 1 Green Sandpiper (Tringa ochropus) were also first of season. As expected, the top species for this month that peak the migration back to their breeding grounds in this period were Robin (Erithacus rubecula) (64 ringed and recaptures), Dunnock (Prunella modularis) (55 ringed and recaptured), Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita) (28 ringed and recaptured) and Reed Bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus) ( 95 ringed and recaptured).
We also noted a small movement of Wrens (Troglodytes troglodytes) with 18 birds ringed and recaptured.
Other interesting species ringed were 3 Firecrests (Regulus ignicapilla), 1 Short toed Treecreeper (Certhia brachydactyla), 3 Redwings (Turdus iliacus), 2 Coots (Fulica atra) and 2 new Water Rails (Rallus aquaticus).
The special threat for this month was a Little Grebe that we caught in the net while flying from one pond to the other!! We did not ring a lot Little Grebes (Tachybaptus ruficollis) during the years for obvious reasons as this species don't fly around but prefer the water where they are well adapted to dive and swim, so finding the bird in the net was a surprise.
Although usually the month of March is a quite one for bird ringing as most of the migrants or summer visitors have not arrived yet, it is always a pleasure to see the first spring migrants and the first signs of breeding after the long winter months.
Thanks as usual to the team for the effort they make in our station .
Working time: 114 hours
Autor: Joseph Dunlop
Other activitys:
Visit of our members from the Schlammwissteam:
Members of Schlammwiss Ringing Team met early on Sunday 22 March to hit the road to Genk in Belgium for the annual Ringday organised by the Belgian Royal Institute of natural sciences.Apart from the regular bird ringing and other scientific projects, the Ringing team makes sure to attend these sort of conferences to keep in contact with other ornithologists and update itself on recent studies and research on birds and bird ringing.
We arrived around 11 am where we attended a guided tour of the Het Wik nature reserve. An interesting biotope with marshes and reed beds surrounded by mixed forests which provide excellent habitat for birds. We were given information about ringing and management on the site.
At 2pm we started with the first talk which was about the ringing results of the reserve Het Wik, it followed by a very interesting talk about why bird ringers should take measurements on birds , what the measurements means, when and how. This talk solidified our beleifs and our insistance to take regular and accurate measurements. We were given several examples of cases where the measurements makes difference in species , populations and races of particular bird taxa. Measurements also help to determine sex and age in some species. A fine example is weight of a bird in comparison to fat levels, this can show whether the bird is migrating or not.
The third talk was also of high importance for all bird ringers it concerned the moult of birds, a must know to all bird ringers and trainees that ring birds regularly. Bird moult can tell a lot, it shows different stages in a birds life so knowing how birds moult is one of the biggest tool for ringers, ornithologists and scientists. We are used to ringing passerines so hearing a talk about catching and ringing waterbirds for 10 years was interesting for us.
It concerns the reserve of Sint Agatha Rode where they use a water cage trap with food to attarct ducks , of special interests was the information about the recaptures and the data provided from this activity as there are not a lot of ringing stations that focus on ringing water birds.
The last talk was about building a bal chatri trap for birds of prey. This is a special trap that needs a special permission to operate.
Overall, this ringday was a huge success from the social aspect for our team and most importantly for the opportunity to learn and share knowledge on birds and bird ringing. Member's of Schlammwiss team have also attend last year's Ringday and a symposium for birdmonitoring at Mainz University in November 2014.
Autor: Joseph Dunlop
On thuesday the 19. march we (Jim, Raoul, Charel and Guy(Birdringingstation 'Schifflange')) went to Belgium to see the Palla's leaf warbler (Phylloscopus proregulus). We found the bird
together with Goldcrests (Regulus regulus), Firecrests (Regulus ignicapillus) and Chiffchaffs (Phylloscopus
collybita) in a big wetland area.
Autor: Charel Klein
Description of the Water Pipit project --> click here
On the weekend of the 6th and 7th March we opened the nets again in Schlammwiss site and for the first time in Mensdorf. We had a beautiful spectacle of over 50 Water Pipits flying over the reeds for some time at Mensdorf checking where to land to roost. Most of them landed on a tree or went down in the wetlands before they flew again into the reeds. We had the biggest catch so far for this project in Mensdorf and the biggest catch ever of Water Pipits in one go for the reserve!
For every activity we didn’t open more than 5 netlines! After the ringing activity we closed all nets correctly and bring the Pipits back to their sleeping place.
Thank you to the team! For helping me tagging the Water Pipits until 2 a.m!
(Dave Lutgen, Raoul Mettenhoven, Joseph Dunlop, Pascale Krager, Claude Kraus)
Autor: Charel Klein
The month of February is usually one of the slowest ringing months of the year.
This is usually because of two main reasons:
One is the maintenance work in the reserve that takes priority on bird ringing and secondly is that the spring migration has not started yet and the only birds around are those that survived the cold winter.
(--> more about the report of the weather see below)
In total, we ringed 48 birds and recaptured 100. The usual pattern was observed again this year , first spring migrants to arrive, as every year, were Reed Buntings (Emberiza schoeniclus), 8 in total in the last two weeks of the month. 1 Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) was also ringed .
The Water Pipit (Anthus spinoletta) project has started so 2 new birds were ringed and 4 recaptured.
Other interesting captures were 1 Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) quite out of season, 3 Moorhens (Gallinula chloropus) and 3 Fieldfares (Turdus pilaris) that were attracted to the apples in the orchard. The two Middle Spotted Woodpeckers (Dendrocopos medius) and the Nuthatch (Sitta europaea) are still hanging around the feeders in the forest. The usual winter birds are still around with 44 Blue Tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) ringed and recaptured, 6 Yellowhammers (Emberiza citrinella), 3 Willow Tits (Poecile montana) , 7 Cahffinches (Fringilla coelebs) and 10 Robins (Erithacus rubecula) .
We thank the team for the maintenance work they performed this month on the reserve.
Autor: Joseph Dunlop
Other activitys:
Visit of our members from the Schlammwissteam:
In Mid-February, we were able to observe the first signs of spring. At the end of November, the last cranes migrate to their wintering grounds in the south of Spain: this for most of us heralds winter. In contrast, when in February the first cranes are migrating back to their breeding grounds in the north of Germany or Sweden, some of the optimistic ornithologists claim that spring has started.
As Luxembourg is situated on a 100-kilometre passage on the migratory track of the cranes, we have the opportunity to observe big groups of up to 1000 individuals migrating to the north. Last week, temperatures have risen by 5°C; this increase was a signal for up to 20 000 cranes to start their migration. This spectacle was observed by a lot of hobby ornithologists including myself; this means that between the 21 and the 23 of February I was able to count up to 5000 birds heading to the north. Not only cranes announce the spring, other indicators were singing like blackbirds and chaffinches; these two species hardly migrate, which explains their presence on the feeders during winter.
Another species introducing the spring is the white stork. The first arriving white storks are always males, they are first because they need to occupy their territory and nest. Waiting for the female birds to arrive, they work on their nests in order to present a well-formed home, on which both of them can raise their chicks. A highlight for Luxembourg was the first breeding pair of the white stork in 2012. This bird species was extinct for decades, but it seems that the population is rising. Last week the first storks arrived and excited a lot of ornithologists.
Apart from the aforementioned species, some of the most impressive birds of prey have also returned. The first red kites were observed in January. Last week, we were able to observe our local breeding couple, starting to rebuild their nest. In addition to the red kites, we observed the first reed buntings. This bird species, which uses reeds to feed and to raise their chicks benefits from the last grains on the feeders to survive the month of March. As reeds start to grow late in March, reed buntings depend on remaining grains which they find along fields or on the feeders.
An additional spring species is the woodlark (Lullula arborea), which started singing in the vineyards last week.
Autor: Dave Lutgen
The process whereby one plant community changes into another. It involves the immigration and extinction of species, coupled with changes in the relavtive abundance of different plants
Crawley 1997
The nature reserve „Schlammwiss“ in the Syrvalley near Übersyren consists of a vast reedbed, which has naturally established itself around several ponds, and a big marsh area. These two vegetation types would, without any maintenance of an open landscape in terms of a periodical mowing/cutting or extensive pasturing, as we would find it near Mensdorf, be exposed to the natural succession of plant communities. Wood such as several willow species, alders and elms, which can cope with moist soils would claim these permanently and seasonally flooded areas and thus displace the desired vegetation.
In order to support a certain structural diversity consisting of meadows, reeds, sedges, some shrubs and trees and so favour linked habitats for diverse insect and bird species, it is essential to carry out maintenance measures. This includes on the one hand removing the spreading wood and bushes especially in the reed area and on the other hand regularly mowing the marsh area to keep it open.
Due to the heavy snowfall during January, which has flattened the whole reed and sedge area, accessibility was given and one could easily remove all shrubs and woods. Furthermore a committed participation of many members of the Schlammwiss-team as well as many helping hands from the “Fit by Nature” activities enabled to do the job.
Many thanks to our volunteers and Alain Maury (and co.) !
Autor: Max Steinmetz
Description of the Water Pipit project --> click here
· Water Pipits (Anthus spinoletta) have been observed roosting in 'Schlammwiss' Nature Reserve since 2000.
· Since 2012 we started ringing these birds in the roost, thus collecting various data and information on these birds.
· In winter, Water Pipits usually spend the day in open wet pastures catching insects and in the evening they gather in small flocks and roost in reedbeds with thick undergrowth vegetation.
· Until this day, we still don't know the origin of our wintering birds. With this project we aim to catch and tag with small GPSs 50 Water Pipits, so that hopefully we will recapture some of them again and get a better picture on the whereabouts of these birds. Our aim is to learn where these birds breed, their migration route and the roosting places they use. To get all this data we need to recapture the birds again in the first three months on 2016.
In the last two weeks, volunteers and members of the schlammwiss team, have been busy preparing and maintaining the sites (reedbed), where the nets will be set up for this project. Some work has already been done last autumn like cutting trenches in the reedbeds to set up the capture area.
We are very cautious and have been discussing where to set up the nets to minimize as much as possible the risk that these birds will abandon the roosting site. This is why every step of the work is meticulously taking time and done under supervision of the project coordinator and the ringers. Apart from the roost in Schlammwiss nature reserve, there is also another roost of Water Pipits that we are working on in Mensdorf area. We have already prepared 5 trenches in Mensdorf area to set up nets. With this new site we can work for two consecutive days but use two different sites to minimise disturbance.
We’ve got 50 Pinpoint GPS from Biotrack that we received on the 25. February for this waterpipit project. They are working different from the geologs that we used for the reed warbler project.
We can use the GPS for 600s. We tested one GPS in the field to find out
· How long does it need to record one reading?
· Does it make any difference --> outdoor (wetland) or when the bird is hidden in the undergrowth?
· Does movement of the bird make a difference?
After test we can say:
· It needs around 5s to record the coordinates
· No difference when the bird is in an open area or undergrowth
· If it’s moving, it takes more time to record a coordinate (after 70s it switches off)
With this knowledge, we’re calculating that overall we will have between 120-125 recordings on each bird. The aim of this project is to know exactly the origin of these pipits and where they breed.
So the recordings are:
1x recording per week | 4x recording per week | 5x recording per week | 4x recording per week | 1x recording per week |
March - April |
April - mid-May |
mid-May - August |
August - October |
Obctober - ... |
24 o'clock |
24 o'clock |
half past 8 |
24 o'clock | 24 o'clock |
--> see shedule below (photo 1)
We’ll take 5 coordinates per week during the breeding season to find out the coordinates of their breeding grounds. Since we are not sure when they start to breed we programmed the 5 weekly readings from mid May until August. The GPS will take the coordinates at 0830HRS when the birds are very active.
During the migration to their breeding place in April and then back to our wintering grounds around November, the GPS will take 4 coordinates per week. From the test we know that the GPS needs more time to take coordinates when the birds are on the move. So we programmed the GPS to take the coordinates at midnight when the birds are sleeping either during migration or in their roost in winter.
We don’t have enough time and power in the GPS to find out where the pipits spend the day during the winter, questions like: do they feed near or far from the roosting sites? We can take just some coordinates during this time but since the readings in the winter months are programmed to be taken at midnight we will only know whether they come to the same roost every night or if they visit other roosting sites in the region. Maybe we can charge the GPS again next year and see where they are feeding during the day in winter.
First capture:
We (Charel Klein, Dave Lutgen and Raoul Mettenhoven) opened the first nets Friday the 27th February. Since we have been observing the roost for some years now we know which areas they prefer to sleep and we know where water pipits concentrate in the roost. For the first ringing session (we needed to refresh the method of putting GPS on) we decided to open an area where birds don't concentrate. We opened the nets at 5 pm and closed at 7 pm (control at 6). There was football game in the nearby football ground and it was rainy.
We caught:
· 6 waterpipits
o 4 control from 2013 & 2014
o 2 new birds
· 3 Wrens (Troglodytes troglodytes)
· 1 Reed bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus)
We put the GPS the same way as we did on Reed Warblers and use the same harness material.
Before we put the GPS on we check :
· Net number
· Fat & muscle
· Age & sexe (= comparison with photos from the years before and Lucas Jenni book)
· Winglength & length of 3rd primary feather
· Weight & other remarks
Second capture:
With Charel Klein, Max Steinmetz and Philip Birget we opened Saturday the 28th February different nets at Schlammwiss site from the first time. We didn’t catch that much because of a football game in the nearby football ground and over falling balls in the reeds. To the end of the day we caught 3 reed buntings, 1 yellowhammer and 1 waterpipit (which we tagged the day before). We checked if everything is okay with the bird and let it free again.
Back to the sleepingplace:
After each session we close the nets after 7 pm and after the ringing and processing of the pipits, which sometimes takes hours, we always return the water pipits back to the site where they were caught. So they can get out of the roost with the other birds the next morning, this will hopefully decrease the stress and disturbance on the birds after the process of GPS tagging the previous night.
Autor: Charel Klein
Rendez-vous: 9h Parking du terrain de football à Uebersyren (durée 9h à 15h)
Organisation : natur&ëmwelt - Syrdall/Fondation Hellef fir Natur
Infos et inscription: natur&ëmwelt - Syrdall : Jim Schmitz (Tel.621 293 695) ou: j.p.schmitz@naturemwelt.lu)
Objet: Travaux de débroussaillage autour de la station scientifique de baguage des oiseaux migrateurs. Donnez un coup de main à la protection de la nature:! La gestion des réserves naturelles demande un grand soutien. natur&ëmwelt vous invite à des journées « chantiers-nature ». Vivez des moments forts dans les réserves naturelles de la Fondation Hëllef fir d’Natur et participez à la sauvegarde de la biodiversité.Consultez aussi fb -schlammwissringingstation.
Vos dons sont utiles: Pour soutenir les projets de cette réserve naturelle, les dons sont à envoyer sur le compte de la Fondation Hëllef fir d’Natur IBAN LU89 1111 0789 9941 0000 (Réf. : Don Schlammwiss)). Fondation reconnue d’utilité publique. Les dons sont déductibles des impôts suivant la loi. www.naturemwelt.lu
As one of the most mystical birds, the spotted nutcracker spends all of his time in coniferous forests. The main nutrition source are cones. It's fascinating to which degree, evolution enabled this species to occupy an ecological niche that has hardly any biodiversity.
Apart from the spotted nutcracker, we were able to observe some red crossbills (Loxia curvirostra).
Autor: Dave Lutgen
Rendez-vous: 9h Parking du terrain de football à Uebersyren (durée 9h à 15h)
Organisation : natur&ëmwelt - Syrdall/Fondation Hellef fir Natur
Infos et inscription: natur&ëmwelt - Syrdall : Jim Schmitz (Tel.621 293 695)
ou: j.p.schmitz@naturemwelt.lu)
Objet: Travaux de débroussaillage autour de la station scientifique de baguage des oiseaux migrateurs. Donnez un coup de main à la protection de la nature:! La gestion des réserves naturelles demande un grand soutien. natur&ëmwelt vous invite à des journées « chantiers-nature ». Vivez des moments forts dans les réserves naturelles de la Fondation Hëllef fir d’Natur et participez à la sauvegarde de la biodiversité.Consultez aussi fb -schlammwissringingstation.
Vos dons sont utiles: Pour soutenir les
projets de cette réserve naturelle, les dons sont à envoyer sur le compte de la Fondation Hëllef fir d’Natur IBAN LU89 1111 0789 9941 0000 (Réf. : Don Schlammwiss)). Fondation reconnue d’utilité
publique. Les dons sont déductibles des impôts suivant la loi. www.naturemwelt.lu
Le "Natur- a Vulleschutzveräin Ieweschte Syrdall", section N&E, et la fondation "Hëllef fir d'Natur" organisent dans le cadre de la Journée mondiale des zones humides et la Convention de
Ramsar (convention relative aux zones humides d'importance internationale, particulièrement comme habitats des oiseaux d'eau) une visite guidée dans la réserve naturelle SCHLAMMWISS le dimanche
1er février.
Plus information:
As usual , January was a quiet month for bird ringing. In total 8 ringing sessions were carried but much more technical visits and work were done. In the beginning of the month , an inventory of all the ringing material and rings was carried out. Still, with 8 sessions only, 448 birds were ringed and recaptured mostly in the last two weeks of the month when the weather turned cold and chilly.
This is a good number for January!
Most of the birds are caught near the bird feeders at this time of the year or at the water's edge with special traps. Interesting captures were a Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) on the 17th, 1 Chiffchaff (Phy. collibita) and 2 wintering Water Rails (Rallus aquaticus) thanks to the effort made to check the winter population of Rails in our reserve . To note also were 6 Long tailed Tits (Aegithalos caudatus) of the nominate ssp, 3 Mallards (Anas plathy.), 17 Yellowhammers (Emb. citrinella) and 1 Magpie (Pica pica).
We had also some remarkable recaptures of 3 different Nuthatches (Sitta europea) and 3 Middle Spotted Woodpeckers (Dendrocopus medius) that are visiting the feeders on a regular basis, the latter is quite worthy of note since it is not that common to have 3 Medium Spotted Woodpecker visiting our feeders on the habitats of our reserve.
It was a good opportunity for the team to learn more about this secretive species of woodpecker. Schlammwiss Reserve is not only about bird ringing but our team also keeps a good lookout on the birds around.
The big task for this month was observing the water pipits (Anth. spinoletta) roost in preparation for the GPS project that will take place in the coming months, more info on this project on our website, click here.
There was up to 6 Teals around (Anas crecca) 2-3 Water Rails (Rallus aquaticus) wintering in Sias area, regular flocks of Siskins (Carduelis spinus) visiting the Birch trees during the day and 2 Black headed Gulls (Lar. ridibundus) were also observed in the first days. Cormorants number increased in the reserve as the water starts to freeze in lakes and waterways around the reserve but fortunately the water does not freeze in the water treatment ponds so it's a good fishing place for Cormorants.
A white wagtail (Mot. alba) and at least 2 Grey Wagtails (Mot. cinerea) are passing the winter in the resrerve too. Up to 6 Great White Egrets (Ardea alba) were obsreved flying over the reserve , some roost in the reserve too.
We also observed an increase in the numbers of Fieldfares (Turd. pilaris) and Blackbirds (Turd. merula) at the last week of the month probably due to the recent cold snap that pushed more birds from the North to move South.
The nestboxes have been cleaned on Sunday morning, the 18th with Raoul, Tiago and Cédric. We got a surprise in one of them being populated by a mice family.
Thanks to the team for the effort they make even in this cold weather to work, ring and observe birds in our reserve.
Other activitys:
Visit of our members from the Schlammwissteam:
We started today with a cormorant in the net!
Unfortunately he found the way out before one of our birdringers could catch him...
Anyway we had a good day! Just less birds than yesterday..
We recaptured a Grey wagtail (Motacilla cinerea) (adult male) from 2013 !!
and a Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita) from november 2014. The bird stayed over the winter.
Furthermore one White waigtail (Motacilla alba) (with a ring from us! ), two stonechats - male & female - (Saxicola rubicola) two red kites, about 30 siskins and some water rails have been see.
In Mensdorf (2 km away in a natura2000 area) we checked about a second sleeping place of waterpipits (Anthus spinoletta). We counted 30 birds and managed to photograph one with a ring!
The waterpipits come every year to our natural reserve and stay over the winter. This year we try to give them a gps- transmitter to find out from where they are (where they breed?). Further information will follow...
Yesterday, we counted about 89 waterpipits coming to their usual sleeping place
For more information about the weekend check the ringinglist
Autor: Charel Klein
Around 3 million Bramblings (Fringilla montifringilla) found a roosting place in Hasel/Schopfheim in Germany near Switzerland. These birds come from the north and
take the opportunity to feed on beechnuts. Because of the hard winter in the high mountains of Switzerland it's impossible to pass this way. This is why so many birds are roosting at one
To find some food, the birds are going in the forest around and eat around 80t of beechnuts each day..
It's a big show when thousands of birds are coming from every side to a few hectare large forest. Common buzzard (Buteo buteo), Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis), Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) and Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) are common guests every evening and try to feed on some of the Bramblings.
3 Members of the schlammwissteam (Dave, Max and Charel) and Christian Stange (german ornithologist) went twice to have a look at this very special show
Autor: Charel Klein
On Saturday and Sunday 17th and 18th of January,
Two membes of the Ringingstation 'Schlammwiss' (Dave and Charel) went to Radolfzell (Germany), in order to participate at the Bird ringing license course of the ‘Vogelwarte Radorfzell’. The course explains the judicial situation, the banding material and the handling of birds. Furthermore, they tested our knowledge on padded birds and we made a visit of the attached Max-Planck Institute.
They did this course in order to support Bird ringing projects in Germany and maybe to get started with their own projects.
Autor: Dave Lutgen
All the photos we made during the season are online now!
Have a look!
On January the 10th, the Schlammwiss-Team comprising Jim, Dave, Cédric, Nicole and Niklas visited another bird-ringing team in Bonn, Germany.
The local team around the ornithologists Esther Koch, Victor Corman and Sönke Twietmeyer as well as many other helping hands met at a roosting place near the river Rhine to ring rose-ringed parakeets (Psittacula krameri). Esther Koch has already examined the influence of the rose-ringed parakeets on cave breeders in Bonn in her diploma thesis.
With a current population size of approximately 1.300 individuals in Bonn, she found that the parakeets do not pose a significant threat to native cave breeders.
The parakeet’s native range is India and Africa but the wild populations in Bonn, and also those in Cologne and Brussels, are descendants from individuals which succeeded in escaping from private keepers and zoos.
In order to learn more about this bright green colored bird concerning age, sex and their life history in cities of temperate zones, the team of experts decided to continue the study on the rose-ringed parakeet. They are usually being captured with standard mist-nets for song birds. For parakeets, these nets are more effective than nets with wider meshes because this way the parakeets lie loosely in the pockets and can be removed easily by experienced bird-ringers. The disadvantage is, that many of those caught turn around in the net pocket and escape.
The whole team which included more than 20 bird ringers, scientists and helpers placed two nets near a group of plane trees not far away from the river Rhine. Plane trees are the favourite roosting trees of that species. As soon as the night fell, swarms of starlings, carrion crows and jackdaws settled down on the branches of the surrounding trees. Shortly afterwards, small groups of parakeets gathered on trees along the banks of the Rhine and places nearby. As it got darker, more parakeets flew in. Typical for their behavior before roosting time, groups of parakeets rush almost on ground level at high speed towards the trees and then rising again onto the branches where they loudly inform their conspecifics of their presence.
That is the moment in which the parakeets were caught. The team split up into small groups to remove the birds from the nets to ring and examine them. Others stayed hidden but close enough to the nets to observe further fly-ins. Regarding the strong force of their beak that even allows them to crack nuts, we took care of ringing them with rings made out of steel. Simple aluminium would rapidly fall victim to the beak’s destructive force. It became clear very soon that is impossible to ring parakeets without using protective handgloves. Indeed, their strong beak can cause painfull injuries. Additionally, it is hard to put the ring on the bird’s leg because it is just a tiny bit longer than the ring itself. After the ringing, the wing length and the length of the middle pair of tail feathers were measured. That method showed that males have longer tail feathers than females. Then the weight of the birds was taken and their wing was spread on a black background to take a photo. Lots of wing photos will allow to see differences in feather characteristics for age determination.
To really find out whether a non-male couloured bird is a female or a juvenile, the scientists took a cloacal swab of each bird for a molecular examination in a laboratory. Moreover, that same sample gives information about the bird’s health. The exact age of a rose-ringed parakeet cannot be determined by pure vision. We know however that adult males only get a rose coloured ring around their neck during their third calendar year.
Concerning age determination, there is another unusual characteristic whose occurrence depends on the season of catching and the past weather conditions. Partially, the rose-ringed parakeets showed signs of frost bite on the underside of their feet. Claws and toes can fall of in case of long term frost periods. Knowing that, a young parakeet hatched the year before, it can be distinguished from adults by the good condition of its feet on. If the toes are still on in January, the winter weather has been rather soft in that year.
Although the weather was windy and dark clouds and short rain showers accompanied the ringing action in the late afternoon, the team had great luck with at least six rose-ringed parakeets that made a little stop-over before they went into their roosting trees.
For the Schlammwiss team this was the first contact with this species. An exceptional experience for all of us – and probably not the last.
THANKS for the impressing insights into the handling and ringing of rose-ringed parakeets to Sönke Twietmeyer and the whole team in Bonn.
Autor: Nicole Thien
The 3. January we had our yearly meeting. More than 20 people of the Schlammwissteam and 2 (Mirgain Guy & Isabelle Zwick) from the birdringingstation of Schifflange were present. We showed some photos of the year, presented our final report of 2014 and explained our plan for 2015.
We will upload our final report soon..