Report of the month - August


History: The nature reserve "Schlammwiss" was founded in 1982 by the foundation"Hellef fir Natur" (HFN). Afterwards the group "Letzeburger Natur- a Vullenschutzliga" (LNVL) founded the station "Schlammwiss". The station is leaded by the "centrale ornithologique Luxembourg" (COL), a part of the asbl. Natur & Emwelt. Due to the fact that Luxembourg doesn't have its own bird ringing central, we work in cooperation with Royal Belgian Instutitute of Natural Sciences. Therefore, we use rings from the Belgian Museum of Natural Sciences.


Location: The bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" is located in Luxembourg, between the communities Schuttrange & Munsbach. The nature reserve is part of the 375ha big Syrvalley and is an extremely important Natura 2000 zone. The reserve is periodicly flooded due to the Syr river, which is an important generator of biodiversity.


Research area: Around 30ha are used for researche, on a length of 1km and a width of 30-120m. The main area is covered by reeds and wetlands (20ha). Furthermore, the resarch area is subdivided and caracterized by an orchard, a forest, several ponds distributed throughout the reedbed and a purification plant (SIAS). The main techniques employed are mist nets and rail traps in order to realize population estimates (i.e. breeding population, migration, overwintering population) and survival estimates by Capture-Mark-Recapture. There are several projects running in the nature reserve and visitation are possible.


Summary of the ringing activity this month

In august, the bird ringing station "Schlammwiss" caught about 4 249 birds of 56 species. This number is subdivided in 3 691 E, 528 W and 30 K. 14 bird foreign origin has been caught.


The total amount of birds for the month  is lower than the average amount of birds caught in august at the station. The graphic below shows the average amount of birds for each month during the years 2001-2014.



E:  first capture of this individual

W:  recapture of an individual which was already captured this year

K:  individuals which were ringed one or more years ago or individuals with a foreign country or station


Top 5

1. ACRSCI Reed Warbler 1 342
2. HIRRUS Barn Swallow

1 101

3. SYLATR Blackcap 379
4. ACRPAL Marsh Warbler 165
5. ACRSCH Sedge Warbler 80

Interesting birds captured:

  • 27 Delichon urbicum
  • 22 Luscinia svecica
  • 4 Acrocephalus arundinaceus
  • 4 Lanius collurio
  • 2 Gallingo gallinago
  • 2 Ixobrychus minutus
  • 2 Muscicapa striata
  • 1 Anthus trivialis
  • 1 Coturnix coturnix
  • 1 Hippolais icterina
  • 1 Hippolais polyglotta


Distribution of the age:

Code Amount Definiton
C 4 older than four years
B 1 born four years ago
A 1 older than three years
9 5 born three years ago
8  2 older than two years
7  7 born two years ago
6  6 older than one year
5  26 born last year
4 435 age unkown, but not born this year
3 3492 born this year
2  270 age unknown
1 / nestling

Foreign birds that we controlled this year:

Month Species Country
January / /
February Sturnus vulgaris Beglium
March Emberiza schoeniclus France
  Phylloscopus collybita Belgium
  Phylloscopus collybita Belgium
April / /
May Acrocephalus scirpaceus Sweden
June / /Belgium
July Acrocephalus scirpaceus Latvia
  Acrocephalus scirpaceus Germany - Helgoland
  Parus major Belgium
August Acrocephalus palustris Belgium
  Acrocephalus schoenobaenus Belgium
  Acrocephalus schoenobaenus Germany - Radolfzell
  Acrocephalus scirpaceus Belgium
  Acrocephalus scirpaceus Belgium
  Acrocephalus scirpaceus Germany - Hiddensee
  Acrocephalus scirpaceus France
  Acrocephalus scirpaceus Netherlands
  Acrocephalus scirpaceus Poland
  Acrocephalus scirpaceus Spain
  Sylvia borin England
  Sylvia communis Belgium
  Sylvia curruca Belgium


The team of the bird ringing station Schlammwiss are mostly volunteers who did an excellent work this month!


 We say thank you for everyone who was helping this month!






In summary we spent around 175 hours during 27 days working at the station.



 We also welcome the visitors on our station:



All our sightings of this month are saved in


Compute total number of birds

Compute total number of observation

The weather information are offered by


Thank you!

Photos of this month

Extra story:



Thanks to the editiors of this report:

Charel Klein

Jim Schmitz, Cédric Brodin

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