Abstract. Standardized bird monitoring schemes in wetlands are critical tools for governments and conservation bodies to optimize habitat management and guide conservation measures for protected species. Through the standardized establishment of a baseline, changes in abundance or diversity of local bird populations may be detected. During the years 2017-2019, data on the breeding bird community within a large wetland area called “Schlammwiss-Brill” in eastern Luxembourg were collected using the standardized territory mapping method. The 75 hectare study area constitutes the center piece of a Special Protection Area of the Birds Directive as well as national nature reserve. With 18 in site visits per breeding season between mid-April and the beginning of July, a total of 4,993 observations of 94 species were assessed. Using a species-specific evaluation approach, a breeding community of 50 different bird species with fluctuating population sizes between 160 and 332 territories were estimated. Red List and specialist wetland species include reed buntings Emberiza schoeniclus (18-34 territories), three acrocephalid warbler species: reed Acrocephalus scirpaceus (19-25 territories), sedge A. schoenobaenus (0-1 territories) and marsh warblers A. palustris (7-23 territories), common cuckoos Cuculus canorus (0-4 territories), water rails Rallus aquaticus (0-3 territories) as well as little grebes Tachybaptus ruficollis (0-1 territories). Produced distribution maps of selected indicator species serve as visual display of habitat conditions. Furthermore, the suitability of the chosen method as well as the quantitative and qualitative results are discussed. Concluding recommended habitat management practices may increase the area’s suitability for specialist wetland bird species inhabiting reed marshes as well as wet grasslands.
Published online 27 April 2021 (ISSN 2716-750X).