Some months ago, several members of the birdringing station Schlammwiss got a glimpse into a very interesting and remarkable voluntary-led conservation project just around the border in the middle of French Lorraine’s crop fields.
Here, the conservation association CSFL (Centre de Sauvegarde de la Faune Lorraine) is leading a monitoring and nest protection scheme for Montagu’s harrier (Circus pygargus) breeding in arable land. As many ground-breeding bird species, especially Montagu’s harriers breeding in arable land within high crops, risk having their nests and offsprings being mown or harvested.
In short terms protecting this species means monitoring the breeding population, pinpointing nests, communicating with farmers and installing protective measures such as nest cages. Even working with extremely rare and endangered species such as Montagu’s harriers, volunteers of the project were keen and fully convinced to inform outsiders about the very delicate situation and organize field excursions to existing nests. Of course without comprimising the breeding population. We participated in nest controls as well as ringing activities of young harriers and benefited greatly from the exchange.
We’d like to take the opportunity to thank the according team of CSFL for the exchange.
And keep up with this very important and immense work!
Autor: Max Steinmetz
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