A stunning journey of a Eurasian hoopoe (Upupa epops). N13 is part of a project launched by the Vogelwarte Sempach and the University of Bern which aims to better our understanding of this species‘ behaviour for conservation purposes (https://www.vogelwarte.ch/de/projekte/populationsdynamik/populationsdynamik-wiedehopf-wendehals). The story of N13 has started on the 9th of July 2019, when he/she was color ringed as a fledgling in a nestbox located in Saxon (Wallis; Switzerland).
N13’s next stop was in Killeberg (Sweden), where the bird spent an extended two days (23-24th of May 2020). Last Saturday 6th of June, N13 was observed in Junglinster (Luxembourg), where some of our Team members were able to take the following shots. In Luxembourg, Eurasian hoopoe observations are very scarce with only 1-3 individuals observed each year. Nevertheless, making use of climate change, the continuously increasing population sizes in Germany and Switzerland, and by actively offering nesting opportunities (i.e. nestboxes), we might be able to restore this enigmatic species as a breeding bird in Luxembourg.
The journey of N13 is not yet finished so keep your eyes open.
Text & Map: Dave Lutgen
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