Zusammenfassung der Bergpieperberingung (Anthus spinoletta) in Luxemburg in den letzten 18 Jahren


Summary of Water Pipit Anthus spinoletta ringing in Luxembourg over the last 18 years


In 122 catching days 691 data sets of Water Pipits Anthus spinoletta were collected at the station of “Schlammwiss” in the last 18 years of ringing. The data concerned 521 individual birds. An improved catching method used since the winter 2011/12 led to increased numbers over the last winters and the maximum rate was achieved in 2017/18 with 104 individuals caught.

The data provide evidence that the Water Pipits reach their wintering grounds in Luxembourg in the 57th pentad (8.10. – 12.10.) and start to leave in the 17th pentad, some staying until the 23rd pentad (21.4. – 25.4.).

From the total of 691 catches, 104 concerned Water Pipits caught and ringed already during a preceding winter. The maximum time elapsed between ringing and recapture of an individual pipit was six years. In Autumn 57% of the Water Pipits are determined as juvenile, in Spring this percentage drops to 19%. The reasons therefore are discussed.

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Zusammenfassung der Bergpieperberingung
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